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  • 16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By ~Moving From panic to Empowerment

    Your thinking shapes your experiences. Even obstacles have value when you can see them. Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of changing your way of looking at the world. Your perspective is the driving force of your wellness potential. Discover how you can truly be empowered by being open to change your beliefs if the ones you hold no longer serve your goal of reaching your highest potential. Empowering Beliefs to Make You Smile 1. I understand my potential. You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. Feel excited about reaching your true potential. Excitement builds momentum for the next burst of excitement. Before you know it, your life will feel more joyous, and you will anticipate positive experiences more often. 2. I count my blessings. List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are. Yes, the little things are the things that make life worth living! 3. I learn from my mistakes. You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on the lessons they contain—flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one. Fubbing many job interviews can become content for an e-book of what not to do in an interview! 4. I find meaning in adversity. Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of your life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you’ve already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what’s ahead. Remember, nothing is ever as scary as the thoughts you conjure in your head. Ever hear of a " paper tiger?" 5. I embrace change. Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way. The unknown can be fabulously mysterious. Mystery uncovered then becomes new experiences the help you grow. How cool, is that?! 6. I dream big. Expand your wish list. Setting demanding but attainable goals give you adventures to look forward to each day; if you're going to dream, dream B-I-G! The world is full of miraculous happenings. You can catch your star too ya' know! 7. I practice forgiveness. Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you’re holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Pardon yourself too. 8. I give generously. Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet today. Buy a coffee for your co-workers or give your receptionist a flower. Okay, those ideas worked preCOVID. Post-COVID could work too. For now, be creative with FaceTime or Zoom. Empowering Beliefs to Make You Strive After the first set of 8 empowering beliefs, you may notice an affirmation theme. Empowering beliefs can also be used as your personal mantras to get you through tough days. Self-talk is a powerful tool to help you stay connected to the now. Use the last set of empowering belief statements to propel your thinking in the direction of success! 1. I take responsibility. You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your future, especially when you give your "boss" the reigns. Trust your intuition (spirit) to lead you; It will never steer you wrong! 2. I apply effort. Figure out your definition of success, so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you’re making progress rather than comparing yourself to others. You were born to do something magnificent. Guess what? Only you can do it! 3. I leverage my strengths. You have your own individual strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you’re good at and what you want to do. Let that knowledge guide your choices. Everybody is an expert in something. Are you a closet lint collector, fish whisperer, or plant doctor? Your gift doesn't have to be mainstream; it's only criteria - be uniquely you! 4. I listen to feedback. Ask for feedback to enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action. Only use the insight that resonates with your soul's highest potential. Everyone has an opinion. Many will not work for you. Be willing to sift out the gold nuggets of wisdom. 5. I ask for help. Expand your capabilities by building a sturdy support network. The world's weight is only on your shoulders when you don't allow others to share their strengths. Superman and Superwoman personas are so unrealistic. 6. I connect with others. Moral support counts too. Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family and friends. Participate actively in your faith community. Join a club with members who share your interest in solar power or badminton. You absolutely must join the Your Healing Place community by using the Wix App. 7. I recognize opportunities. Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new friend while you’re standing in line to buy your morning Passion Leaf Tea. 8. I try new things. Be open to experimentation. Go kayaking one weekend instead of playing tennis. Bake your bread or knit a scarf- read the From Panic to Empowerment books. Discover new talents during your Zoom Wellness Consults with Dr. Stephanie. The possibilities are endless. An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Start today. You’ll be glad you did!

  • The Mystery of Tea

    Hot or iced? Tea For All Seasons. If you can buy tea, you can buy happiness! Yea.. tea makes me happy. It has the same effect on a lot of people all over the world.  Social gatherings are centered around tea; bridge games are played while sipping tea; even business partnerships are established during tea time. Tea is a versatile beverage that can be sipped in the cold winter months or gulped in the summer heat. If you are a tea drinker, know that you are drinking medicine. Yes, all over the world, people of all cultures drink tea for healing. HOMEGROWN TEA: Passionflower At Your Healing Place, there is a magnificent garden filled with herbs, vegetables, grapes, and other berries. Most of those items are part of my family's seasonal diet. However, passionflower is grown and harvested in small batches to offer another healing strategy for a well rounded "healing toolbox." If you get your hands on the Limited Edition Tea tin or the loose tea sachet, you have truly given yourself the gift of healing found in tea. Not adding too much to an already lengthy blog post, I've provided an alternate link for additional information about the benefits of Passionflower tea. Personal Tea Experience In November 2014, my husband and I took a trip to China. One attraction dear to my heart was the Tea House in Beijing. Not only did I learn the importance of tea as medicine, but also tea etiquette. So now let's talk about the history, origin types, and benefits of the types of tea! Origin The origin of tea dates back to 2700 B.C. The era in which Shennong, the father of Chinese medicine and agriculture, lived. The mythical emperor Shennong was said to have used tea to learn its medical value. Wow! Can you believe tea existed that long ago?! The first book about buying and preparing tea was published in 59 B.C., by Wang Bao, Sichuan Province. This book was titled “A Contract with a Servant” and soon led to tea as a vital part of society’s diet and a best-selling trading commodity. In the early days of tea-drinking, only imperial court nobles and Buddhist monks drank it.  I think it’s safe to say the tea was ‘a rich mans’ beverage. Theorists believed that Sancha (mountain tea) originally grew wild in remote areas of Japan’s mountains. The first tea grown in Japan is said to have been planted in Saga Prefecture, from China's seeds by Eisai. Tea ceremonies, culture, gatherings, and Tocha  (tea competitions) began to emerge in Japan during the 15th and 16th centuries. Many tea ceremonial practices are still common today. It Began In Japan The tea trade is vast and also encompasses the development of distribution systems, tea merchants, intermediary traders, and tea wholesalers and the invention of various types of machinery. In 1979, ITO EN launched a product by adapting Chinese oolong tea to Japanese tastes. Oolong tea was created to alleviate feelings of “dissatisfaction caused by having only green tea” in ordinary households. Oolong tea started to gain significant attention as a tea suitable to go with oily foods and as a tea consumed in large quantities. To keep up with the fast-paced modern lifestyle, ITO EN, developed a ready-to-drink tea, a canned oolong tea in 1981, followed by a canned green and black tea in 1985. Tea is now used in a myriad of ways, which are not limited to just beverages. Interesting right? Well, enough about the history of tea. Allow me to introduce you to the various types of tea and its health benefits. 6 Types  of TEA Black Tea is allowed to wither, preceding a process called oxidation (sometimes incorrectly referred to as fermentation). Water evaporates out of the leaf, and the leaf absorbs more oxygen from the air. Its health benefits include: Reduces risk of heart ailments Effective for intestinal disorders Provides relief from asthma Prevents breast cancer Helps cure digestive disorders Reduces bad cholesterol levels Dark Tea is from the Hunan and Sichuan provinces of China and is a flavorful aged probiotic tea that steeps up very smooth with a natural, slightly sweet note. Its health benefits include: Reduced blood pressure Weight loss Fights diabetes Oolong Tea has a caffeine content between that of green teas and black teas. Oolongs (pronounced wulongs) are often compared to fresh flowers or fresh fruit's taste and aroma. Its health benefits include: Reduces obesity and stress Protects against tooth decay Prevents the development of cancerous cells Relieves atopic dermatitis Functions as an antioxidant Controls diabetes Improves mental health problems Protects bone mineral density Green Tea is allowed to wither only slightly after being picked. Then the oxidation process is stopped very quickly by firing (rapidly heating) the leaves. Its health benefits include: Eliminates hangovers Delays signs and symptoms of aging Improves blood circulation Tones muscles and skin Reduces risks of cancer Prevents thickening of blood Reduces blood glucose level Help lose weight White Teas are the most delicate of all teas. They are appreciated for their subtlety, complexity, and natural sweetness. They are hand-processed using the youngest shoots of the tea plant, with no oxidation. Its health benefits include: Helps in weight loss Aids in managing diabetes Beneficial in preventing cancer such as lung cancer Helps to reduce the risk of premature aging Aids in maintaining healthy and youthful skin Effective in reducing the risk of dental caries or tooth decay/cavity Reduces the risk of various cardiovascular disorders Beneficial in protecting the skin against the effects of ultra-violet light Rooibos Tea, often called red tea or red bush tea. It is also one of the best known herbal teas and possibly the best alternative to regular black or green tea. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this is a wonderfully beneficial tea suitable both for adults and children. Its health benefits include: Digestion Weight loss Infantile colic Calming Prevents infection Defense against free radicals Supports respiratory health Clears the skin, acne, sunburn, insect bites Insomnia Liver and kidney support Pancreatic support By now, you're probably thinking about which tea is the healthiest for you. The healthiest tea for you is the tea you like the most because you will drink it. Don’t approach tea as something you are drinking because it is “good for you.” I suggest you find teas you enjoy and drink them often. That way, you get all the health benefits without even thinking about it. Dispelling Myths about Tea (Caffeine) The tea (black, oolong, green, white, pu-erh, or dark) does not determine the caffeine content. Contrary to popular belief, green and white teas do not necessarily contain less caffeine than black tea. Herbals (or tisanes) are drinks that are made from plants other than the Camellia Sinensis, such as chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus. They are not actually tea, and most do not contain caffeine. Even “decaffeinated” teas contain some caffeine. After undergoing the decaffeination process, teas may contain up to 1/2 of one percent of caffeine by weight. Limited Edition Passionflower Tea Now that you know the specific healing properties of tea, get some.  Stock up on the tea that has the healing properties you need. Then drink often. Try our passion leaf tea while supplies last. For best results, make pitchers of tea and drink daily. Watch your health miraculously change. Until Next Post... be well😁 Dr. Stephanie #healthbenefitsoftea #organictea #fairtradetea #tea #looseleaftea #stashtea #teacollection #premiumlooseleaftea #insomnia #acne #teagoodforyou

  • A Transformational Story

    I want to tell you the story about how I began this transformational journey My name is Stephanie E. Reid. You can say that I have a fresh insight on how to get to the cause of disease & pain. I uncovered an incredible realization of how to stop pain and disease from taking over my life, and I want to share it, with you. From Panic to Empowerment is not a new concept! The catchy phrase is not anything that you haven’t heard before. However, understanding the concept and using the secrets revealed can be the miracle you’ve been looking for. This secret formula has transformed my life and will surely change your life if you allow yourself to be re-introduced to a few key concepts. Now, before I give you these golden nuggets you’ll need to improve your health and well-being, I want to share with you a story. It’s the story of how I found out that healing my life meant I had to get quite, connect with myself and evaluate my feelings and my thoughts. That is the exact path you must take to heal your life as well. Moving from Panic to Empowerment is the ultimate goal of this journey. You don’t have to do it alone. I have already made a pretty clear path for you to follow. A Little Girl’s Dream You see I have a passion for helping people. Helping others brings me great joy. When I was a little girl, I spent many hours helping my great grandmother hang laundry. I watched her iron and fold clothes, cook and keep up with the soap operas without missing a beat. My job was to put the wooden clothes pins in the fabric bag and hand her the clothes for ironing. Doing that made me feel good. She’d smile at me and thank me for making her day easier. It was during those times that I realized that I had a gift for healing. I’d bandage my dolls and put Vaseline on every scrapped knee I could find. My favorite game was Operation. I was overjoyed to put on my doctor’s uniform, check a family member’s pulse or run get band-aids for a minor injury. Yes, I was going to be a doctor! My most favorite Halloween costume was the surgeon’s suite. My plastic stethoscope was my pride and joy. A Change of Perspective Years later, I realized that my idea of helping people didn’t mesh with the Western medical model. At Temple University, I grew to understand that medicine seeks to connect a diagnosis with a prescription drug or surgery. That way of addressing healthcare entirely dismissed the idea that man was more than a body part or a disease. Man is a spirit that lives in a body. Within that equation, I didn’t see how people would get well. I remember my great grandmother had a small blue suitcase with gold latches. She filled the case with a plastic bagful of medications. Though she was very loving and kind, I do not recall her having much vitality or good health. She kind of wobbled as she walked as if in pain. With my current understanding of prescription side effects, I imagine she was slowed down a bit. Me bending over to hand her things gave her help in some small way. If she had arthritis or some other conditions that prevented her from moving freely, my little hands made a big difference in her daily chores. When I formally learned how the process of healing really works; it didn’t connect with my idea of healing. It wasn’t until I had my first son that I experienced medicine from a place of fear. Instead of the therapeutic, loving approach to healing, I had created in my fantasy doctor play; I suffered anxiety and panic as nurses and doctors poked and prodded. The big monitors and other laboring mother’s screams invoked a fear so great that my son got stuck, and I had to have a cesarean section under anesthesia for him to come into the world. At that moment, I realized that western medicine wasn’t for me. Life’s Detours Lead Back To Dreams After graduating from Temple University, I felt like I had lost direction. Instead of pursuing my medical career, I became a leasing agent for a large real estate investment trust. Over a nine-year period of promotions and transfers, the desire to help people never left. But I couldn’t figure out how to follow my dream in a way that made sense to me. Then one day I was watching TV, and I saw an ad for massage therapy school. I enrolled in massage therapy school. After graduation, I immediately opened a stress management center that catered to those who were stressed out. My specialty was working with pregnant women and people who suffered from anxiety and depression. I did have a side focus of corporate stress management that allowed me to work with schools and private companies. That made me happy for a few years, but the healing itch still wasn’t satisfied. Apparently, God had another plan for how I was to help His people because I couldn’t let go of the feeling that I was supposed to be doing more. Although I had thriving massage therapy practice, I felt like I was still missing something. It wasn’t the medical model I thought I would see. The idea of alternative healing methods and natural medicine began tugging at my spirit. After some investigation, I found it. I knew what I was called to do. It was Natural Medicine that satisfied my heart’s desire to help people heal. Back On Track Gradually, I implemented mineral therapy, therapeutic massage, detoxification programs, electronic stress testing and even guided imagery. The bulk of my practice focused on the physical aspects of healing. Homeopathy and mineral therapy worked well for helping people heal. I remembered the panic and anxiety during the birth of my son, so I made sure that clients felt comfortable. After about nine years of helping people experience better health without prescription drugs, I noticed a peculiar trend. Individuals who found relief for their ailments kept returning with the same problems. At first, I was very disappointed in myself. My initial belief was that I had failed to investigate options thoroughly. I honestly believed that it was something I must have missed that created an additional experience of dis-ease for my clients. One clue surfaced during a guided imagery session. Mind, body, spirit connections are what we always talked about, but I needed a way to make the concept apply to their concern. I began to bring the idea up during each session. What I came to understand in a very profound way was that healing is never only a physical experience. I should have remembered that from massage therapy school. I guess it was in the back of my mind for quick knowledge, not a concept I used in my daily healing strategy. Another profound revelation was that we focus on the wrong part of ourselves. We all say, “mind, body, spirit.” But look at the order! We are spirit, mind…then body! For far too long you and everyone else, puts emphasis on the part that should be considered first, last. Then Melody Was Born While I was trying to figure out how to address the void in my practice, the most amazing thing happened. I got pregnant! Melody was born on my husband’s birthday and died the same day about nine hours after giving birth to her. Needless to say, my world felt like it was crashing down on top of me. I was in the hospital for six weeks leading to her birth. On one occasion, I felt like I was having a heart attack. I drove myself to the hospital. The nurse practitioner told me that I was physically okay, but I was suffering from a broken heart. The official name is Stress Cardiomyopathy or “Broken Heart Syndrome.” My thyroid function was also quit low, which made me tired and depressed. Ironically, I had that bit of information prior to going to the hospital. I had gotten results from my hair tissue analysis that revealed that bomb shell- along with other secret information I was unaware of. Jumping around a bit... A few months after Melody was born, my husband took me to China. While there, I visited an ancient traditional Chinese Medicine hospital in Beijing. The practitioner looked in my eyes, checked my tongue, took my pulse and exclaimed, " You have low thyroid function due to severe grief!" Back to the story...As horrible as I felt, there was no way that this wasn’t an actual physical heart attack. I was grateful that is wasn’t, but confused. I read about cases like this, but I did not expect that it would happen to me. I was experiencing a physical manifestation of an emotional origin. I was shocked that the nurse even knew about it. It’s not often that your health practitioner will contribute a physical ailment with emotions. If they do, the response is usually a prescription drug to mask the symptom. Discovering the 3Rs Approach to Healing After I composed myself and settled into the fact that my baby did not stay with us, I began to get other strange physical symptoms. My chest continued to hurt, and my blood pressure was frequently very high. Tired of feeling so defeated I cried out to God. I was angry! I went through the anger phase for awhile until I got sick of feeling bad emotionally and physically. One day after a good long cry I just sat perfectly still. A still small voice whispered… “spirit, mind, and body.” I sat motionless for about another hour, then the phrase – Reflect, Re frame, Renew popped into my head! All at once I understood why I was feeling so physically awful, and I knew how to fix it. I reflected on my emotions. I allowed myself to explore my anger. I thought about what the loss of Melody meant. I re-framed her life and death story from something horrible to something beautiful. As I allowed myself time to settle into accepting my feelings and changing my thinking; something amazing began to happen. My body began to relax, and I felt better as I allowed the intense emotion to pass. I realized that healing could only take place on a physical level when the body is relaxed. You can’t rest if your spirit is hijacked by high emotions, and your mind is entangled in confusion. That was it! That was the reason why my clients kept coming back with similar ailments. Until my personal discovery, I had no idea how to tell clients to deal with their emotional and mental self. But, Melody helped me see the connection. Filled with gratitude and freedom; I developed a formula that could be duplicated by anyone, anywhere for any circumstance, discomfort, panic situation or disease! Just read the book! From Panic to Empowerment Formula Once I figured out the formula, I shared it with all of my clients. During every office visit, I shared the 3Rs Approach to Healing. I was teaching all of them to Reflect, Reframe, Renew. I knew people needed a concrete way to access healing using the new concept. So, I created an online course. My first 20 students was a beta test. What I found out from the group was, many were searching for healing without lasting results from homeopathic, minerals of other methods until they looked at the spiritual and mental connection. The course offered that platform, and I began to see marked improvements in all of the clients that took the course. As feedback rolled in, I realized that I had something special that could help many actualize their healing potential and finally get relief from panic and disease. That idea prompted me to write books, record audio and video segments, get on the radio and TV to talk about what I have called, ”a movement.” That is the story of how my journey began. As of this day, I use the resources of Hair Tissue Analysis, and other remote services. Due to COVID19, I serve clients virtually via a membership subscription service that offers weekly coaching, virtual health scans, and Zoom Events. I'd love to Connect with You! If all of this seems really foreign, feel free to book a Zoom Wellness Consult. I'd be delighted to share this insight as it relates to your personal concerns. Feeling awful can be a sign of your reaction to what's happening in the world. Yet, now that you understand the various causes relating to spirit, mind and body; you will be happy to know that a hair tissue analysis can not only reveal emotional challenges but also dietary mishaps. You may think your kale smoothie is doing its job of keeping you healthy. But, if your body isn't breaking down the nutrients for utilization; calcium in the kale it could be attacking your thyroid gland making you tired! The Hair Tissue Analysis could also reveal the presence of toxic elements: lead, arsenic aluminum, etc. Consider the wonderful possibilities!

  • 7 tips for a healthy client/ provider relationship

    In 2018, I had the flu, fractured my right wrist, then sustained a nasty burn on the same wrist. If you read From Panic to Empowerment, you already know what I would say if this was your story. How do you feel? And, did you follow your Tips, Tricks, and Tools? This line of questioning is for everyone, even me. Fortunately, this post is not about me. It's about uncovering the reality that your health providers, whoever they may be, are susceptible to any and all circumstances you seek their support for. Meaning? Every person was born to fulfill a purpose. Yet, every person must experience the human condition- joy, and dis-ease. What kind of person do you believe can support you on your journey? One that pretends that life as we know it does not touch them; or one who can show expertise and empathy as they assist you in your recovery? In the healing profession, there is a concept that practitioners adhere to called code ethics. The Code of Ethics ensures the emotional safety of both the client and the practitioner. The two concepts are transference and counter-transference. The layman definition of transference is basically the client becoming attached to the practitioner in a way that blurs professional boundaries. Counter-transference is when the practitioner connects with the client beyond professional boundaries. In either case, you can come up with a few scenarios that would fit. However, there is a thin line between "crossing the line" and being relate-able, thus connected to the concern of the client from a view of compassion. I began this post, sharing my most recent ordeal. I've written books that offer a window to my reality to give you validation to uncover and discover your "story." I shared the idea of professional boundaries and a code of ethics to provide information on how you should expect to be treated from a health provider. All of which was to offer another perspective to empower you on your personal journey. The takes away? Your provider would benefit you most when: They are relate-able They offer support within their scope of work They maintain professional boundaries while giving the help you need You feel support, yet not beyond the duty of professional boundaries There is an open line of communication Resources are offered for additional support Appointments are available in a timely manner When you feel it's time to check in with your health provider, even your natural health coach, keep these 7 variables in mind. When it was time for me to make a follow-up appointment about my arm, I was on it! What encouraged me was the level of care I received. The practitioner embodied all 7 tips I shared with you. If it's time for you to revisit Your Healing Place, I pray that you feel I have a true desire to serve you from an authentically compassionate place; strengthened and more determined to offer what you need within my professional boundaries and scope of work. If you need resources beyond what is offered, I am happy to find a referral resource. Need more support? Until Further Notice... All services will be "virtual", IE over the phone via Zyto Technology, Hair Tissue Analysis Discovery your healing potential by speaking with Dr. Stephanie Book a free phone consult today #7tipspractitionersupportprofessionalboundariescodeofethicsnaturalhealthcoach

  • Water: Is Yours Safe?

    Watch the Speech On June 17th, 2017, I was the first speaker to grace the platform situated directly in front of the capitol. I spoke about the challenges children face due to lead exposure. The occasion? Children’s March for Humanity. A movement started by Britney Valas in response to being fed up with the many challenges children face as a result of poor food quality, contaminated water, pesticides and vaccines. Yes, people all over the country are mad as hell. So am I! Feeling the spray of water at my back as I felt the heat radiating from the white stone of the capitol gave me energy to speak my truth. It was electrifying! I had a message… I told my passionate story about my son’s lead levels and how I was able to have his hair tested to find that lead levels discovered at age 5 were still present at age 22. The test revealed the “why” of my son’s cognitive, emotional, and physical challenges; but I never found out the “how.” How did this happen? The Crisis In Flint January 16, 2016 President Obama pronounced a government crisis for the city of Flint, Michigan, over the contamination of the city's drinking water. It’s been 2 years since that ruling and the city is still in recovery. However the incident has sparked heated discussions leading to action to include indictments of key officials. Flint‘s issue gained national attention, but the sad reality is, the incident could have been avoided if cutting costs did not include changing the flow of Flint’s drinking water from the Detroit water way to the Flint river, which was known to be compromised. This made for a perfect storm of connecting chemicals with lead pipes. This unfortunate connection caused hazardous levels of lead to flow into the city’s drinking water. What a mess! The issue with Flint, and the issue with many water frameworks all through the United States, is that lead channels are time bombs. There are nearly 1.2 million miles of lead channels for water conveyance in America — funnels that have a life expectancy of around 75 years and many are achieving that age — you have a formula for catastrophe that specialists caution will cost near $1 trillion to settle. The reason why we all found out about the crisis in Flint is because a pediatrician started noticing trends in lead levels of her patients and alerted authorities. If she did not act, the nation may have still been in the dark . The results; an increase in diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities that most legislators may have lobbied for more drug therapy; never investigating an entire water system. On December 19, 2016, Reuters revealed a startling report about America's drinking water. Reuters' examination stated that there were almost 3,000 different districts in the United States where the lead contamination in drinking water was two times higher than what was found in Flint's drinking water. From The Reuters Report: “The poisoned places on this map stretch from Warren, Pennsylvania, a town on the Allegheny River where 36 percent of children tested had high lead levels, to a zip code on Goat Island, Texas, where a quarter of tests showed poisoning. In some pockets of Baltimore, Cleveland and Philadelphia, where lead poisoning has spanned generations, the rate of elevated tests over the last decade was 40 to 50 percent.” I'm originally from Philadelphia so this crisis really has personal and professional urgency. Like Flint, a significant number of these regions are plagued with old lead pipes, disintegrating paint, plumbing, or modern waste deposits. Unfortunately these regions have not gotten the attention of that of the Flint crisis. It’s it up to people like you and me to sound the alarm. It’s time to tell people what’s really going on with their health. Did you know that your body just does not break down for no reason? Your body breaks down because of malnourishment and exposure to toxic elements that the body cannot eliminate. For that reason, good clean water is critical for the detoxification process to be effective at removing toxins from the body. Doing an Opening Channels Detox twice a year is something to consider! In 2011 after reviewing hundreds of hair tissue analysis reports, I decided to test my son. When I saw that his lead levels were beyond toxic I was saddened. All of the suffering he endured over the years was always chalked off to “growing Pains.” No one questioned his lead exposure discovered at age 5. Nor did any one revert back to that finding to explain his challenges. Don’t let this happen to your child or you. There is a way to determine your level of toxic exposure to lead and other contaminants and there is a way to remove them from your body. In fact , you can even test your own water to make sure it’s safe to drink. Knowledge is power if you use the information. If you desire to be free from toxins, let me help you. Get your water tested and get yourself tested. The healing is easy when you know what you are dealing with. 12 Facts About Water: Only 1,1% of the water on earth is ok to drink without treatment 75% of your body is water Dehydration can manifest as depression, fatigue and headache. Drinking water with meals can aide digestion. (not so with carbonated beverages). Get rid of water retention by drinking more water Prevent sagging skin by drinking water Water is the more important than food for survival If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated 65 % of school aged children don’t drink enough water, Children dehydrate more quickly than adults do A 2% reduction of water levels in the body can lead to a 20% decrease in mental and physical performance. Contractions can be induced by dehydration NEXT POST... The Best drinking water? Alkaline, Filtered, Reverse Osmosis? #FlintWater #Hairtissueanalysis #dehydration #getleadpoisoning #Whatsinyourwater #Contaminantsinwater #safewater #cleanwater #watertesting

  • 10 Reason to Include GHEE into Your Wellness Plan

    Over the past few months, I have gained an appreciation for the culinary arts. I am not a chef, but I can make tasty creations. I consider myself an intuitive cook. I make dishes off the top of my head with an unusual ability to put complementary ingredients together to create masterpieces! I don't measure ingredients or write things down. Yet, since my creations are so tasty (I'm told), I am working on a From Panic to Empowerment cookbook. Not writing things down does not mean I don't have my go-to items. I have many favorite ingredients, but my new "friend" is Ghee. A few years back, I'd put Ghee in my coffee, but I never transitioned it into my meals. I did a little research on how else I could use it. Let me tell you, you-I am hooked. What is Ghee? Melted butter, boiled until the milk solids sink to the bottom... Check out the Top 10 Tips and comment on whether Ghee will be a new member of your arsenal of goodies for making nutritiously fabulous dishes. 1. It is PACKED full of fat-SOLUBLE vitamins (A, D, E, K) Fat-soluble nutrients are absorbed with fat and stored in the gastrointestinal tract. They are an essential part of a healthy metabolism and other biochemical processes Vitamins A and E have been shown to act as powerful antioxidants. Vitamin A and D are crucial for boosting the immune system, as well as developing healthy bones. Ghee also consists of a uniquely absorbable form of vitamin D that supports the proper function of the synapses within the brain. Vitamin A plays a vital role in proper liver function, fertility, and hormone balance. Ghee supports the production of vitamin K2, which is essential for the absorption of minerals like calcium. 2. Ghee - An excellent supply of butyrates Butyrates are naturally present in butter and ghee, making them a wise choice for a weight-loss strategy. Butyrate, or butyric acid, is a quick-chain fatty acid that acts as a detoxifier; it is a beast at improving colon fitness. It’s been proven to guide healthy insulin levels and may be helpful for individuals affected by IBS, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Ghee is a natural remedy for gut health! 3. Won't smoke up the kitchen Ghee has a high smoke rate, not as high as avocado oil, which has the highest, but it's up there. Consider it for high heat sauteeing and healthy baking. It is a stable, natural fat. Its chemical structure will not be altered or damaged when it is heated. That is a bonus tip, especially if you are experimenting with new recipes; sauteeing or baking. 4. Fights microbial bad guys Ghee consists of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it an inexpensive yet effective way to maintain your immune system. Ghee can also protect you from infection, especially in the digestive tract. It can speed up the healing time for upsets stomach, cold, or even the flu! 5. It has staying power Ghee can live in your kitchen pantry for up to a month once it's been opened, and it lasts in the fridge for about seven months. this is due to the lack of moisture in the oil. Make sure to store your ghee in a sealed jar away from warmth. 6. Good Cholesterol Booster It's a top-notch source of LDL cholesterol. Cholesterol is a healing agent within the vessels, a great conductor for nerve transmission, and is stored in the white matter of your brain. Cholesterol levels increase throughout the duration of a stress response. Giving the body good fats like Ghee supports the body's ability to deal with stress. Woohoo, I need all the stress support I can get. 7. Detoxification Assistant Fats, particularly omega-three fatty acids, are sturdy natural antioxidants and are used to remove petrochemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals. Both are excessive sources of butyric acid—the primary power supply for the gut helps lessen the irritation. Ghee additionally consists of lauric acid— an amazing antimicrobial and anti-fungal substant. This tasty fat works its magic by stimulating bile from the gallbladder. Saturated fats like Ghee encourage detoxification, balancing hormones that support weight loss. 8. It's a Hormone Stabilizer It's important to eat cholesterol-rich saturated fats like ghee to have the building blocks to produce vital sex hormones- testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Specifically, vitamins A and K2, found in ghee, also supports hormone synthesis and removing toxins impeding hormone production. Should you be using Ghee to combat hot flashes, adult acne, and low libido? MAYBE!!!!! 9. Its Lactose and Casein Free The most impressive benefit of ghee is that it’s free of lactose and casein protein. Some people have a milk allergy, which might also stem from a heightened sensitivity to casein, and others may be hypersensitive to lactose. For individuals with a casein allergy, the response can also include swelling of lips, mouth, tongue, face, or throat; hives; or congestion. Those with lactose intolerance have a hard time digesting the milk sugar lactose. But, symptoms are commonly a whole lot less risky than a casein hypersensitive reaction. Signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance may also include bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, gurgling, and cramps. If you have sensitivities to both casein or lactose, don't worry, you shouldn't have any issues with Ghee. All milk solids are eliminated thru skimming and straining. 10. Ghee is delicious. It has an intense nutty buttery flavor that can be added to veggies, soups, beans, baking. I use it for everything because I need all of the health properties daily. I make Ghee about once per week. It's cheaper than buying the store-bought kind, and you can know for sure that it has only one ingredient- organic, pastured-butter! What can you say about smooth texture, nutty flavor ...and healthy! I'm still tweaking the idea of a cookbook, and I have my heart set on a video series of my famous creations. You can either wait for the videos to be loaded or come to our book club session to taste how good cooking with Ghee can be! #ghee #digestionsupport #lactosefree #benefitsofGhee #Lactosefreefoods #buttersubstitute

  • 7 Ways to Nurture Yourself: Giving & Recieving

    Nurturing yourself is the best way to begin a wellness journey. Doing so can decrease dis-ease in your spirit, mind, and body. If you are struggling with a dis-ease, it may be time to consider your giving and receiving habits. Like many, you may believe it's better to give than receive so you give until it hurts; then wonder why your life is not working. Wellness, the opposite of dis-ease, is a balance of giving and receiving. It ebbs and flows like a graceful dance. Nurturing yourself requires a healthy dose of both. 7 Ways to Nurture Yourself 1. Nurture Yourself by Praying- Connecting with the divine in your life is like connecting your computer to the internet. Without prayer, it can be impossible to gain wisdom, experience grace, and unconditional love. Without connecting to the internet, you can forget about email communication and access to information at your fingertips. The most powerful way to nurture yourself is to connect with our Heavenly father. Your connection to that source is prayer. The “Lord’s Prayer” comes to mind. Your religious affiliation has little to do with connecting to the source. Sit quietly, let the source connect with you. You will feel it. You know it. It’s the still small voice that calms you when you are frazzled. ​​ 2. Nurture Yourself by Smiling – It takes more energy to frown than smile. Less stress on the facial muscles reduces the likelihood that you’d develop sagging frown lines. Get this, smiling is free. You can even smile without showing your teeth- that would be a grin. Showing your pearly whites can be the quickest way to turn a raging bull into an adorable puppy. When you feel angry, look up and smile. Try it now. It works 100% of the time. Why? Well, when you look up and smile you will automatically laugh because you will feel silly. Silly is good. It can lighten your mood. Smile and the world will smile with you. Ever smile at a stranger? They smiled back, didn’t they? Smile at everyone you see! 3. Nurture yourself by Laughing – Laughter is good for the soul. Period. However, in our society; we often laugh at things that are not really funny. A popular comedian has a show entitled "Laugh at My Pain.” Whether we have permission or not, laughing at another’s pain somehow diminishes our ability to show compassion. Giving and receiving support is necessary for the common good. The next time you have the desire to laugh at someone else’s misfortune, consider the level of compassion you’d appreciate in the same situation. On the other hand, when something is funny, milk a laugh for all its worth. Laughter is like currency for the soul. Each time you do laugh it adds dividends of joy to your life, and to others. It's a win-win. Have you ever started laughing and the person next to you began to laugh with you even though they have no idea what the two of you are laughing about? 4. Let your “yes” mean “yes”- When you say “yes” to anyone you are also saying “yes” to your future potential. When you push the “yes” button you are making a commitment that will impact your world in ways you never could imagine. Saying “yes” to a marriage proposal opens doors for everything the comes with marriage. Saying “yes” to being a participant in a crime has a similar impact - negatively. Each time you say “yes”, you are agreeing to impact the world around you, because it requires you to follow through. If you can’t follow through, at least be comfortable with the new decision and make sure all involved are ok as well. It’s ok to change your mind. Continuing to say yes when you want to say ” no” is a recipe for dis-ease. 5. Let Your “no” Mean “no”- Sending a mixed signal is not only confusing but also frustrating. Most people don’t like to say “no”. Instead, they say "yes." Imagine what it feels like to want something really bad and you ask for it. The excitement builds and just as you are about to reach out and accept what you wanted - it get’s snatched back! That’s what it’s like to say “yes” but you mean “no”. It can be confusing. So as a rule of thumb, be comfortable with saying “no” when you have to. Be ready to say “no” and mean it. The most frustrating experience for anyone on either side of the mixed signal is not knowing what to do. It’s ok to say “no” when you mean it. Saying ” no” can save you a lot of unnecessary drama when you can stand firm for something that requires a “no”. If you’ve been feeling stressed because you say “yes” all the time and really mean “no’, then practice saying ”no.” See how much stress just melts away. Be liberated. If you want to say ” no”, say it. Then mean it and move forward! ​ 6. Give to Others –We’ve all heard it’s better to give than receive. There is an inherent feel-good button that gets pushed every time you give. Have you ever noticed how good it feels to shop for someone else? Giving is a spiritual gift you give to yourself. Remember how you feel when you volunteer to help those in need. Its a truly good feeling! I wonder if that’s why the same people volunteer over and over. Volunteering hits the feel-good button! On the other hand, giving is how we support humanity. We are all in this thing called life together, giving and receiving is the way to thrive. 7. Receive From Others – Yes! It feels good to give. But why do you decline the offer when someone wants to give to you? It’s ok to accept goodness that others want to share. If everyone was giving there would be no one to receive. Practice just saying “thank you” and accepting help, gifts, support, and love from those who have your best interest. You may believe that receiving is weakness and giving is a strength. Check that! There needs to be a balance. The more you give without allowing yourself to receive the more resentment, frustration, and anger brews like a hot pot of bitter black coffee. BONUS: Ask For Help If you need further support on how to nurture yourself beyond what was already mentioned; feel free to book a free phone consult. I am happy to assist with your wellness journey. Something this important should not be attempted without professional coaching. Asking for help is definitely a nurturing act of self- love. #nurtureyourself #nurture #laughgoodforthesoul #smile #giveandrecieve

  • Natural Healing: Miracle or Myth

    The concept of natural healing can be both a mystery and a miracle. Most who use it, stumble upon it through shear desperation and utter frustration over not getting results the conventional way. When positive results happen (they do most of the time) you may believe its a miracle. You may believe that the concept of natural healing is a mystery that can't be proven or is a hoax; especially if your primary care practitioner does not agree with the methods  or understand remedies. One thing is for sure, there is truth to both perspectives. Natural Healing can be a mystery and a miracle if you don't understand how your body works. At Your Healing Place, you learn exactly how things work from a very simple plan. It's called moving  From Panic to Empowerment.  I have observed clients over the past 14 years to realize that there is a disconnect from what is happening to the body and what you thinks is happening. When care is based on an uneducated guess and addressed by unproven remedies, potions, lotions and creams; simple becomes monumental. For the sake of not making this another book, I'll share a few basic premises that will put you in the driver's seat of your health to improve your odds of being the best you can be in 2018! The #1 Secret of Natural Healing! There are a few tidbits you may not know so here they are.Your body does not break down randomly for no reason. There is always a reason. Asking the right questions will give you clues. When feeling ill ask yourself 4 simple questions: What did I eat? Everything you eat will have an affect on your body. Either your body will breakdown the food during the digestion process and use the nutrients in the food for repair and restoration. Or, your body will react adversely creating a response that lets you know that you are sensitive to the food or you have an allergy to the food. More often, reactions are sensitivities to foods, not allergies. However, allergy is the word that comes to mind when you feel ill or experience a peculiar symptom. Sensitivities can cause anything from a skin problem to constipation. Allergies may engage the respiratory system, creating a medical crisis. Check out the12 Bad Foods What did I drink? What you drink has the similar potential as what you eat. Don't discount the fact that all water is not safe. Look at the labels to see what you are drinking. If you can't pronounce it, DO NOT DRINK IT! What did I inhale? Breathing  fresh air should not be taken for granted. The fact that you are breathing is a blessing indeed. But, the air quality can have a profound effect on your health. Dry air can cause  asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and nosebleeds. Breathing dry air depletes body of fluids causing dehydration. Moist, cold air, causes  the mucus lining to thicken due to inflammation. Constricted airways can trigger an asthma flare up. On a daily bases you are breathing exhaust, out gases, bacteria, chemicals and other harmful substances. So yes, be aware of your surroundings. Odors will give you a clue. What did I put on my skin? Fragrant lotions and creams, if not infused with essential oils that have a natural fragrance, are perfumed with poison. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, it will absorb substance into the body in milliseconds.  It is a common practice to administer medications via the skin. The birth control  and nicotine patch come to mind. Even what you wash your clothes with or use as body wash can have an adverse effect on your health. The manifestation can happen right away. Or, over time. Pay attention to what you put on your skin. The 3 Rs Approach to Healing There is a simple way to access what is happening with your health. Knowing this information can seem like a miracle. It's not. It really has everything to do with basic understanding of spirit, mind, body connections. (Check the order) When you begin to feel ill-first check the obvious, i.e.: eat, drink, inhale, rub on skin. If investigation  leaves you with more questions; deeper exploration is required. At Your Healing Place, spirit, mind, body exploration is the way you discover how to move From Panic to Empowerment.  Using 3 easy steps, learned over time, will  help you discover your innate healing potential to maximize your body's ability to heal itself. How to get Results? We call it the result method. If you are going to do anything worth while, you expect results! The RESULT™ method helps you Re-define past Experiences to Solve the mystery of the impact of trapped emotions causing dis-ease. It teaches that by Uniting the spirit, mind and body; you gain the Leverage needed to Transform your health. Moving you from a place of panic and despair to holistic healing and empowerment is the result! At Your Healing Place this is done by combining the use of technology, hair tissue analysis, lifestyle coaching, homeopathic, botanical and trace minerals. What makes this program unique is the extensive concentration on spirit, mind, body connections using 2 powerful tools: 1. From Panic to Empowerment Book & e-Work Book 2. Online FPTE University It's a Process New Client 3 Step Recovery Natural healing requires you to do work. You can no longer passively sit back, take something and expect a miracle. The miracle happens when you discover how to maximize your true healing potential. Here are the steps. If you have never been to Your Healing Place follow these steps: 1. Book a Free Phone Consult 2. Schedule a Comprehensive Consult with Detox 3. Establish your membership Returning Clients If I haven't seen you in six months or more, feel free to begin as a new client by booking a comprehensive consult. This is the best option, it offers the benefit of the Bio and Zyto Scan Technology. And, it puts you  in position to follow a systematic program; especially if you only schedule visits for a crisis. It's time to get serious and follow the journey to get the most from your potential healing and your financial investment. If you are in a different mental space, I recommend a Bundle Up Service. Read more The No Mystery Theory The mystery of natural healing is that there is no mystery. You just don't know what  you don't know.  That's it! There is little truth to the idea that when you know better you do better. The truth is; knowing better is only helpful if you commit to a path that demands you implement what you learn and practice it until it becomes a part of you. Following recommendations from a "Google" search without investigation could dampen the experience and cause harm. Consult a professional! If you added health to your bucket list for 2018, consider that your body is trying to tell you something. If you don't speak the language you'll seek resources that may never give you the level of relief promised on the package. However, if you give yourself the chance to step out of the box, you will find a whole new world of possibility. It's waiting for you at Your Healing Place, where we guarantee to move you From Panic to Empowerment using a method that gets results! If you are not ready to do any of the steps I recommend, at least begin self exploration; try a study pack. Read the book From Panic to Empowerment and use the companion work book. If you at least start there, I am certain you will be prompted to make the call for a consult!

  • Moving From Panic to Empowerment

    Welcome to the Panic to Empowerment blog series! Keeping you well informed and panic free! Have you ever wondered why you are still suffering from the same pains and dis-ease even though you’ve tried so many ways to get relief; especially after taking prescription medicines time and time again? You now realize that after the honeymoon period of temporary relief, the offending symptoms return with a vengeance! You may have an arsenal of unused prescription drugs, lotions, creams, herbs and even some fancy contraptions. So the question is, why do you only consider natural medicine as your last resource? Get off the Fence Commit to Yourself You may tend to use natural medicine as a last resource for many reasons. Some of these may sound familiar: You are unsure about the safety of natural medicine (FDA approved can't be trusted) You think prescription drugs are a better fit You want instant gratification/ temporary fixes Natural medicine is not advertised as much as prescription medicine Out of pocket cost vs insurance coverage (Check out our subscription plan) Many people consider natural alternatives to prescription medication because medications prescribed for serious health conditions have side effects. The general thought is- side effects tend to subside once your body has become adjusted to the medication. But not really. What actually happens is something called the law of adaptation. Over time your body gets used to the medication and needs more to get similar relief as the original dose. Either the drug dosage gets increased, or a new drug is added. The fact is, you are not getting better. What's happening is the fire is still burning inside you, but you keep taking the battery out of the smoke detector. Rx drugs will never be able to put the fire out. You need something else! This harsh reality is what’s leading you to investigate a better way. Read Organs Systems & Functions Your Last Hope It’s unfortunate that many seek natural medicine as a last resource. Natural medicine, lifestyle changes, proper knowledge and usage of herbs, vitamins and minerals is a preventative measure. It can prevent the chronic diseases you are taking drugs for. You only explore the natural stuff when you have exhausted the bad stuff. By then your body is so polluted and weak, you lose sight of ever getting well. That’s when the feeling of helplessness sets in. When you feel like there is no hope you PANIC! No need to panic! My goal is to move you From Panic to Empowerment. I have a plan that is working! Zyto Power Did you now that technology can determine how your emotions have hijacked your organs? I call it Zyto power! You get your first Zyto scan during your Comprehensive Consult with Detox session. What are you creating? You have gone through a lot, trying to get relief from pain or dis-ease that just seems to be taking over your life. One major reason why you and so many others are in the same boat is that “you” keep parroting similar, “non-results” information. Most likely you have all of those remedies, potions and pills because you got the information from a well-meaning friend, family member or even your doctor. What if your breakthrough cannot be found in a drug? What if, what you are looking for you already have!? You are constantly creating your reality with your thoughts, words and deeds. Learning that concept in depth can help you create on purpose the health you deserve. If you are looking for relief, and you have tried everything else; I invite you to explore a better option for maximizing your healing potential. I didn’t say new; I said better. It’s the new and latest gimmick that has you by the neck already- choking the life out of your resolve to heal. I’ll show you how to get back to the basics. Book Your Free Consult Here Your Healing Place follows a simple yet forsaken practice. Your support is not just physical. The services offered equally addresses spirit, mind & body connections. It acknowledges the need for emotional exploration and belief systems that have a direct effect on the physical body. From the books and workbooks to podcasts and forums; there are many opportunities to maximize your healing potential. The best part? Your success is guaranteed! You don't do this alone. You have an experienced coach. Need proof? Check out the testimonials. Thought to Ponder Q: If you are suffering from a physical dis-ease how much work are you doing with your spirit & mind to correct your body? Until you do that work, health will be fleeting. A: If you are new to YHP, Book a free consult so we can set the record straight for you once and for all! Existing client? Its probably time for a follow up visit. #frompanictoempowerment #selfcare #alternativestomedication #personatransformation

  • The Whole World is Watching

    Everytime I post on social media I can't help to think about who is watching. Now-a-days anything you do is monitored, scrutinized and judged for value. For the hungry, attention grabbing, "like monsters", salivating over your emoji response; the attention can be addictive. I know people who posts every morning at 2 am and checks thirty times a day for responses. Why do people get caught up in the fake friend, frenzy? If I thought about it for a second, my nod of approval would go to the basic idea of needing to belong. We all crave belonging. Some would deny the need others would call it something else. Truth is, what ever the reason you seek attention or how you get it is irrelevant. You and I were all born for a divine purpose. You were born to make something out of the nothingness of your mind, turn it into a dream, ultimately to bring it to life. I once heard, " your gifts will make room for you." What does that mean? When you allow your gifts, talents and treasures to be used for the service of others you will be rewarded with opportunities to further "the mission." Your contribution to society is unique. Sometimes it's a planned endeavor. However, many great things, are born out of misfortune or random events. I call it the silver lining effect. Whether it's a silver lining, or a golden hen, whatever you are doing, remember the whole world is watching. Some to cheer you on, others to see how long it will take you to fall flat on your face. Since the whole world is watching you, know that the only people that matters are the ones that will have a lasting invested outcome of your success. You & God! God and you are the most important considerations. If you create even a mud pie with purpose and service in mind, you have done a good thing. I wrote From Panic to Empowerment at the lowest part of my life. I call it a "divine download." I actually feel like I was taking heavenly dictation. I had no idea anyone was watching. I posted on social media, not so much for the likes from complete strangers, but for the ability to hide in plain sight. As a business owner, marketing is a critical component. It's a simple equation. Social media equals free marketing. Marketing means sales and sales means a few bills get paid. I am blushed to admit, there is no elaborate marketing sales funnel, no 12 month campaign, and no posts ready to go for six weeks. I'm actually, winging it. Relying on God to order my steps. As I forge ahead on this mission to move you From Panic to Empowerment, I know I'm on the right path. December 9th, 2017, I'll walk the red carpet to prayerfully share an acceptance speech filled with humble gratitude. I imagine clutching my award between my trembling hands and pounding heart. I'll think to myself, "Is the whole world watching this?" More likely, not the whole world, but those who genuinely wish me well, and a few who wonder if they'll see me fall. Either way, my purpose is clear. If I can't move myself From Panic to Empowerment, I should stop writing this post. Well, here I am still pecking away. Here to share with you the empowering realization that even though the whole world may be watching, they are also being watched. Take heart, fear not, keep moving toward your purpose - emoji responses or not! Cheers! Dr Stephanie Reid #wholeworldiswatching #facebookfriends #emojis #lifepurpose #Christianliteraryawards #writingabook

  • Organ Systems & Functions

    How Many Systems? There are 15 organ systems and 78 organs in the human body. Most we know of and factor into our sense of health and well-being others we don't associate as being a system at all. For the case of using this blog to drive home the point of moving From Panic to Empowerment, the one system that stands out in this way of being discounted is the Sensory System. Sensory system governs our sense of sight, taste, smell, feeling, hearing and balance. Yes, this is a system... Questions When I work with clients, there is a series of very specific questions I ask to determine overall health. Often, the client will answer not realizing that their answers lead to an organ system that they discounted - the Sensory System. Why? Well, this system is how the body signals there is a problem. For instance, the eyes indicate a circulatory challenge that may not be signaling as a classic heart issue. The lack of taste and smell can mean a Zinc deficiency. A zinc deficiency can manifest as skin problems, white flecks on the nails, even dry cracked lips and frequent colds and flu. So when you ask yourself are you healthy, check out how your sensory system is doing. Services to Book NOW! Free Consult Zyto Scan Hair Tissue Analysis Bundle Health & Nutrition Health or the lack there of, is governed by adequate nutrition stores, a strong immune system and an interconnected realization the the spirit, mind and body work as a system. Learn more about spirit mind and body connection here. The slightest imbalance can cause systems to malfunction and create massive shifts in your health and well-being. Eating 5 - 8 servings of fruits and veggies is not the magic remedy for staying well. When you consider personal metabolic factors, exposure to toxins and the potential of bacteria, fungus, parasites and molds from allowing nutrition to absorb; it can be impossible to determine a balanced diet for YOU without doing some testing. That is the beauty of natural medicine. The "cure " of any dis-ease is based on the idea that each person must be treated as an individual. There are unique variables that make one person eating broccoli the secret weapon to slowing an overactive thyroid gland and the other suffering from osteoporosis due to slowed thyroid function that is contributing to excessive deposition of calcium in the bone. Did You Know? Ridges on your fingernails indicates low thyroid function a cause of dry skin, brittle weak hair, heavy cycles and weight gain. Migraine headaches, grinding of the teeth and anal itching is an sign of a parasitic infection. Charlie horse and muscle twitching, craving salty foods indicates a magnesium deficiency. Staying away from good quality salt on your food ( not processed salty foods) can kill you! Neck pain can be an indication of a thyroid issue. Low back back pain can indicate a large intestine issue. Clues to look for 1.Cardiovascular System and 2. Circulatory System :(Heart, Blood Vessels (Arteries, Capillaries, Veins) The cardiovascular & circulatory systems are easy to detect for malfunctions. Hypertension, varicose veins, and swelling are telltale signs of a problem. This system is highly affected by Calcium/magnesium imbalances and can manifest in all kind of arrhythmia, bradycardia, and tachycardia. 3. Digestive System (Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine) The digestive system is really a good indicator of your overall health. If your stool is not consistent and tube like a sausage, you gave gas bloating and indigestion there could be a problem. The problem could range from parasitic or fungal infection ( candida) to a build up of the toxic waste that can reach havoc on your weight loss efforts. Most people think gas is OK. But what that indicates is an enzyme problem. When enzymes can't break down food the nutrients we expect to get from the food is not available, and our gut turns into a cesspool of rotting, undigested food. From a sensory perspective, the digestive system can be affected by our feeling: upset, anxiety, panic, fear, etc. Sodium /potassium ratios imbalance would also cause this problem. 4. Endocrine System (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroids, Adrenals, Pineal body, Ovaries and Testes.) The endocrine system, I refer to as the "master system". This system of organs secrete hormones that keep the body in balance. When they are stressed out, burnt out and overused due to stress; chemical exposure and malnourishment, one can expect any dis-ease to pop up: infertility (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals, ovaries, and testes); weight gain/loss (thyroid) to an inability to think (pineal gland), chronic fatigue (adrenals). It's not always easy to figure out what is making these organs flip out. But at Your Healing Place, we have the technology and the remedies to put you back on track. 5. Excretory System (Small and Large Intestines, Rectum, and Anus) This system is what eliminates waste from the body. When its not working properly you can expect fatigue, brain fog, headaches, dull skin, irritability and a toxic load that can cause cancer. 6. Immune System (Bone Marrow, Thymus, Gland, Spleen, Lymph Nodes) Your immune system is the fighting feature of your body. Without it the tiniest microbe and eventually kill you. The immune system is intimately connected to zinc, which is mostly found in the skin. When since levels or low you can anticipate to also have a problem with copper. These imbalances can cause prostate inflammation, anemia, hair loss, frequent infections, a stroke and even fatigue that you may discount as just working too many hours. The immune system is compromised when all of the organ systems mentioned above or below this paragraph are not functioning well. The Complete List For the sake of not making this post too long, check out the complete list here. I challenge you to investigate their function and see if you can pinpoint what system is off for you. No, I am not advocating you to do any self-diagnosis, you could hurt yourself (emotionally). Finding something, that is really not there... This exercise can get you into the habit of checking in with yourself so you can begin to learn how your body speaks to you. To be on the prevention side of health, I recommend seeing a Naturopath. At Your Healing Place, we are accepting new clients. You are welcome to join our family of clients who are doing well. Most clients come in state of panic, yet after their Comprehensive Consult with Detox initial visit, they leave Empowered with the knowledge and confidence that wellness is attainable and good health is possible! see if from a position of panic and we are successfully able to move them into empowerment. Schedule your Follow-up Office Visit now. As your energy declines you will be creating challenges that could have been avoided. Remember the four (4) markers of health are: sleep, energy, bowels & mood. When any of them are "off" your body as asking for help. What kind of help can be determined by a simple non-invasive test! Book A Free Consult #organsystems #digestivedisorders #varicoseveins #Freeconsult #booknow

  • Top 10 Reasons to Say Yes to Natural Healing:

    The top 10 reasons to say "yes" to natural healing is all about the conversation. Being able to communicate to someone the benefits and pitfalls of anything is difficult. But, naturopaths are masters at communicating. Naturopaths are inherently teachers and teachers love to teach. The role of the naturopath is to teach you how to take care of yourself by making informed decisions based on common sense ideas. To be able to communicate with you more effectively, I'll just get right to the good stuff. I am a naturopath. I really enjoy sharing the knowledge I have. My mission is to allow you to know how to take care of your most precious asset. You may think I'm talking about your body, but what I am really saying is; I help you take care of your health. If you want to really be well you must connect with not just your physical self, but also your spiritual and mental self. I help you do that in many ways. I began this conversation by suggesting that there are ten reasons to say "yes" to natural healing strategies, so here they are. 1.Access Having access to someone you can trust with your most sacred concerns is extremely important. I'm certain you have already experienced a "crisis." Unfortunately sometimes help is a few weeks away. A delay of support can bring on strong emotions of hopelessness and defeat, which makes your situation worse the longer you wait. I've felt like no one cared. For that reason, I am accessible. When you feel like you need answers. When you feel like you need clarity. Just book a free 15-minute phone consult to get on my schedule. You and I have 15 good minutes to discuss your fears to get you back on track. Book a free consult .now to try it out! Not only can you book a free consult, you can also book an appointment on this site. Getting an appointment when you need it puts your health in your hands. 2. Results As a natural health coach, I talk to a lot of people in and out of the office setting. When people find out what I do, they immediately start sharing their lack of confidence in the current health system. Most are very unhappy with their care and are more than happy to tell me how defeated they feel. Since natural healing concepts work with the body's natural ability to heal itself; it's almost impossible to not see a difference. If you follow my recommendation for lifestyle changes, food choices and nutritional supplementation, ( based on research) your health will improve. I challenge you to give your body what it needs and take way what it doesn't. If you do accept the challenge, I will share the system that will have your body working like never before. Take a Healthy Body Challenge to prove me right! 3. Support Illness seems to drive the conversation for most people. Whether you are experiencing a minor inconvenience with dry skin or a major illness, natural health strategies support the body's ability to heal itself. At Your Healing Place I offer many opportunities for you to connect with like-minded people who share your wish for better health. Connecting with other people gives strength to a cause that may seem unpopular. Taking a leap of faith to think outside the box for your well-being is a lonely journey. But, I connect with a community of like-minded people who meet for support and nurturing. Join the movement! Follow our Facebook page to learn about events. I challenge you to become a leader to post a response to this blog and share it. 4. Innovative Western medicine is wonderful for trauma and infectious disease. But, if you have an unexplained illness or a common diagnosis, the protocol will be the same. You can expect drugs and or surgery. The promise of a cure and outcomes are as foggy as a windshield on a raining day. Every dis-ease process gets the same work up: blood, urine, x-ray, EEG. If your case is unexplained, you may get a CAT scan, MRI or stress test. The problem is, the intricate body is more advanced than a simple test. Sometimes, even those results are unclear. Natural healing strategies are innovative and effective. I use Hair Tissue Analysis to see why your body is not working at peak performance. The nano scan tests stress on the body from 100 different variables and the zyto scan makes sure you are clear on what remedies your body needs, not what I can guess. 5. Comprehensive We've already established your level of discomfort with not being able to get help when you need it. The wait time to see a practitioner is ridiculous. I feel your anxiety as you nod your head in agreement. Let's talk about the real conversation. Well, there is no significant conversation with your primary care practitioner. There is no time. That does not mean they don't care. There's just no time! Yes, you do wait for hours to be seen; and you only have 10 minutes to talk so make it quick. In fact, let's stick to the basics: ears, nose, throat, blood pressure, and heart rate...check. I know what you're thinking... is that it! At Your Healing Place your experience is a lot different. I spend 90 minutes with you every visit. You have the choice to cut it short. I know you need to talk about your issues and get clarity. We do that by defining the connection of your spirit, mind, and body. I wrote the book on it. I make sure that you are aware of how to effectively use the RESULT™method to get the most out of your natural health journey. 6. Family Friendly The best way to make sure you will reach your new health goals is to get your family involved. I urge you to bring a friend, family member, or co-worker to your appointment . Your first visit with me is exciting! When you come in, I greet you with a handshake and warm smile. By the time you leave you will be ready to start your healing journey with a friendly genuine hug. When you get home, it is almost impossible to describe why you feel so good. The visit is a miracle to be shared, so just bring someone with you. That way, you have someone to talk to on the way home to share your sense of fulfillment. I often see 3 members of a family back to back. It is a wonderful experience. Everyone gets to learn from the personal journey of the other. That dynamic creates a family support system. 7. No Secrets The last time I went to visit my dentist, I waited until the hygienist left the room to peek at my file. I felt sheepishly dishonest as if I were looking at something that was top-secret. I know you have felt like that too. Why is it that information about you is hidden from you? What could be in your file, that you shouldn't see? Either the file is about your or isn't! Or, your file says something other than what you are told. What do you think? At Your Healing Place you get an electronic file of all of your tests. You also get a hard copy of your Hair Tissue Analysis results complete with a personalized diet plan. How can you make lifestyle, life-changing decisions if you don't know what's going on? 8. Affordable If you know anything about insurance billing, you know it's all about CPT codes and insurance jargon. Natural healing strategies are not a part of the insurance billing system. The cost is always out-of-pocket and reimbursement from insurance companies may not be in your plan. But, rest assured, using services at Your Healing Place are affordable. And since we use the RESULT™ method, have confidence that your health will improve. There are no side effects that can harm you. There is a support system to help you understand how your body transitions from dis-ease to health. Since this is an out-of-pocket expense, PayPal credit is available as a payment option. The PayPal credit option appears at check-out. Try it now ! Don't let money stand in the way of you and your good health! 9. Life Giving Did you know that every 90 days your cells regenerate? Every 90 days, every cell in your body (except the central nervous system) regenerates. It does so whether you have good nutrition to help them or not. If you have a nutritional balance of 90 essential nutrients, the new cells are stronger than the ones that died off. If you did not have nutritional balance the new cells are weaker than the ones that died off. That is what dis-ease is. The weaker your cells ( lack of nutrition) the more dis-ease. Dis-ease can manifest as hypertension, kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, etc. But, the body can heal itself if you give it its nutritional fill. At Your Healing Place, I offer the Youngevity 90 for life system! It is life-giving because it is a complete system that is 98% absorb-able. If you are taking a nutritional supplement and you are still experiencing dis-ease;either you are not getting all of your nutritional requirements met, or what you are taking is NOT being absorbed. 10. Legacy What is the legacy you plan to leave your family? I plan to leave a few items for my children to include nuggets of wisdom and a trust. Leaving an inheritance admirable. The truth is, the very best you can do for anyone you care about is to make sure that have the best information and resource to keep up a healthy vibrant life. Health is all you really have. Without health, wealth is meaningless. Sharing these top 10 reasons to say "yes" to natural healing is a legacy that gives benefits for generations. Dis-ease is not genetic. However, poor dietary habits and lifestyle passed down to generations will create the same dis-ease through generations. Share the message of healing, your great-grandchildren will be better for it! So, there you have it! The top 10 reasons to say "yes" to natural healing! I enjoyed writing this for you, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Comment ... Share... Like ... Schedule a free consult #Hairtissueanalysis #Epigenetic #NaturalHealing #Wellness #naturalhealthservices

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