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  • Naturopath's Embrace: Breast Cancer Awareness~Women Over 40 and the Pink Ribbon's Truth

    October never ceases to remind me of the mighty waves of emotions from mental health and breast cancer awareness. Intertwined with these topics, my journey compels me to shed light on a holistic perspective. From the Roots to the Blossoms If you've delved into my book, From Panic to Empowerment, you'll see the dedication to my dear sister, Taeisha Lester. Her journey from a breast cancer diagnosis to her inevitable transition was a poignant reflection of how resistance to life's flow can sometimes dictate the story's end. My heart still aches, recalling her unresolved emotions from childhood challenges and an absence of profound love. If left unchecked and unresolved, we must understand that emotions can manifest in various forms, including illnesses such as breast cancer. This understanding pushes me to ask: Can we look beyond the pink ribbon and foster a deeper conversation? Bridging the Heart, Mind, and Body Whenever I meet a brave woman who has battled or seen a loved one navigate the stormy seas of breast cancer, especially those 40 and above, the term "unClocking" echoes in my mind. As they approach this age, many women experience accumulated stress, repressed emotions, and feelings of unfulfillment. While some brush it off as merely "menopause," the underlying truth is a profound yearning for alignment and purpose. Statistics suggest that many women over 40 face health concerns like breast cancer. This juncture in life doesn't have to be a phase of decline but can instead be a transformative period. All it takes is the proper support and understanding to bring about a beautiful metamorphosis. A Compassionate Guide Forward While prevention remains paramount, it's essential to acknowledge the intricacies that lead to such diseases. We can identify early signs and work towards holistic healing by analyzing sodium/potassium levels through hair tissue analysis or embracing detoxification methods. Get what you need here. Beyond physical aspects, my mission is to guide women in unraveling emotional threads that have trapped their spirit and mind over the years. This isn't about revisiting past traumas but illuminating them with love and understanding so they can be gently untangled and released. Embarking on a Healing Journey If you're ready to discover the unexplored terrains of your spirit, mind, and body, I invite you to take that first step with me. Book a free session. The harmony between your spirit, mind, and body is an intricate dance; sometimes, having a coach to guide you can make all the difference. Unearthing your purpose and igniting new passions can be your life's most empowering and fulfilling phase. With my years of experience and commitment, I offer support and insights for a genuinely transformative journey, ensuring that every facet of your life - health, finances, or relationships - flourishes. Until we meet again, may you constantly be bathed in well-being and love.

  • Sugar Struggles: Why Women Over 40 Face a Rising Diabetes Threat

    There is an alarming rise of Diabetes in women post-40, its multi-faceted impacts from health to finance, and the blend of medical and natural approaches to counter this challenge. Stay informed and take charge of your health journey. Women 40 and Over, let's balance Life and Beat Diabetes! Hello to the spirited 40+ ladies! As we juggle myriad responsibilities and roles, a silent health visitor is knocking at our doors: type 2 diabetes. The unsettling combo of being overwhelmed and emotionally and physically unbalanced plays a part in this health trend, which adds a big reason why women over 40 face a rising diabetes threat. Let us pause our multitasking for a moment and delve into this. Quick Numbers for the Busy Bees: 1. 🌍Global Insight: Since the 1980s, adult diabetes cases have nearly doubled. And we, the mature and graceful women, find ourselves at this intersection more often. 🚺 Lady Alert: Roughly one in ten women globally grapple with to come it overDiabetes, primarily type 2. With age come specific susceptibilities, and for us, life's pressures might be aggravating them. 3. ❤️Heart Matters: Just a side note – diabetes increases our risk of heart complications, adding another layer to our health concerns. Overwhelm & Unbalance: How Do They Factor In? 1. Health Heart: The stress and strain of unbalanced lives might secretly tax our hearts. Hormonal Whirlwind: As if menopause wasn't a rollercoaster already, the added stress can potentially mess with our sugar levels. Side Effects: Let's not get the potential impact on our kidneys, eyes, and nerves. 2. Relationship Tangles: Mood Elevators: Constantly feeling overwhelmed can lead to emotional volatility and diabetes can silently contribute to this. Social Dynamics: Managing diabetes amidst life's chaos can strain our relationships, adding to the imbalance. 3. Financial Highs and Lows: Medical Bills: With every additional stressor, potential medical expenses for treatments and checks can mount. Work-life Whirl: Managing health while staying productive at work is a challenge, especially when sick days creep in. Future Worries: The looming fear of complications can mean more savings diverted to potential healthcare needs. Finding Balance: Nature to the Rescue Get the E-book (Download) Mastering Blood Sugar: The "Sugar Shift" Strategy for Women Over 40 While modern medicine does wonders, we have age-old natural tools. Because there is a real threat to women over 40 with Diabetes, we need more options. Diabetes. 1. Nourish Right: Wholesome Choices: Grains, beans and veggies are our allies. Fiber Love: Beyond aiding digestion, fiber is our friend for sugar control. 2. Movement & Moments: Even a serene evening walk or a dance to our favorite tunes can tilt the balance right. 3. Soulful Practices: Meditation, journaling, or a rejuvenating hobby can declutter our minds, reducing stress – a known diabetes exacerbator. 4. Natural Boosters: GlucoBerry Supplement: A scientific blend of the best remedies (endorsed by Your Healing Place) Berberine: An excellent natural helper to balance our sugar. Cinnamon: More than a kitchen spice, it's a Let'sness asset. (Ceylon for longterm use) 5. Weight Wisdom: If weight management is on the agenda, every little effort counts in our diabetes journey. GET THE E-Workbook w/Bonuses: (Download) How to "SugarShift in 5 steps: Managing Blood Sugar... Diabetes Navigating life post-40, especially when overwhelmed, brings challenges. Diabetes might seem like another burden, but with knowledge, life, and balance, we can face it head-on. Here's to embracing balance and prioritizing our well-being. Thrive together, ladies! 🌹

  • From Split Ends to Health Trends: Your Annual Autumn Dive into Hair Tissue Analysis & Detox Program

    As a Naturopath, I've observed countless wellness journeys — the triumphs, the challenges, and the revelations. One thing remains abundantly clear: the foundation of good health often lies in practices we sometimes overlook. While we, as a society, are obsessed with hair aesthetics — chasing after that perfect shine, the volume, and warding off those pesky split ends — the true secrets your hair holds go much more profound. One such secret is the insight provided by Hair Tissue Analysis. Combined with an annual detoxification ritual, especially when initiated in the early fall, you prepare and bolster your immune system for the winter ahead. Seasonal Sensibility: Why Early Fall? Each season impacts our body in distinct ways. Early fall is a transitional period — a shift from the vibrant energy of summer to the introspective cocooning of winter. As the leaves change, so should our health practices. Undertaking detoxification and hair tissue analysis in early fall can set the tone for the colder months, ensuring our immune system is in its prime to combat winter's challenges. Hair Tissue Analysis: A Yearly Health Barometer Every year, our bodies undergo subtle shifts — some of which might elude our conscious notice. An annual Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) captures these shifts as a health barometer. Benefits of Yearly Hair Tissue Analysis: 1. Consistent Monitoring: Tracking mineral balance and toxic exposure yearly can detect changes before they become problematic. 2. Adapting to Life Changes: Age, stress, diet, and environment can shift our mineral and toxin profiles. Annual checks ensure we're aware and proactive. According to the *National Association of Naturopathic Practitioners*, consistent monitoring through HTMA has shown that over 80% of individuals have seen improvements in their health concerns when they can address their specific mineral imbalances and toxic exposures. Detoxification: An Annual Reset Our bodies are resilient but bear the brunt of environmental toxins, processed foods, and stress. A yearly detox can be likened to a system reboot. Why Detoxify Annually?: 1. Immunity Boost: Prepping for winter means bolstering the immune system. A detox clears out the toxins that can suppress immune function. 2. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: A clean system absorbs nutrients more effectively, a necessity for the colder months. 3. Mental Clarity: A detox isn't just physical. Clearing out toxins can lead to sharper cognition and emotional balance. A study cited in the *Journal of Naturopathic Medicine* revealed that individuals undergoing annual detoxification showed a 70% increase in immune markers, better equipping them to stave off winter ailments. The Naturopath Perspective: Intertwining Hair and Health From the perspective of a Naturopath, the melding of Hair Tissue Analysis and detoxification isn't just a wellness trend; it's a foundational pillar of health. And the timing, early fall, isn't a mere whim but a strategic choice grounded in the rhythms of nature and our bodies. So, consider investing in your health as the autumn leaves begin their graceful descent. Dive deep beyond the surface of your strands, detoxify, and equip your body for the months ahead. Your hair and entire being hold the promise of optimal health — and as winter approaches, you'll be ready!

  • Your Health, Your Priority: A Straight-Talking Guide to Wellness Work-ups

    Ladies, listen up. I know what you're thinking - "Here we go, another pitch about wellness checks and naturopathy." I get it. I used to be a skeptic too. But let me share my story. I struggled with high blood pressure, weight issues, and relationship troubles that sprouted from a lack of boundaries. Then, menopause kicked in, and things spiraled down further. Then I found the game changer - a naturopathic wellness work-up. So bear with me because this could be the lifeline you're seeking. Wellness Work-up: The "What" and "Why" A wellness work-up is your health's 360-degree view. This isn't your run-of-the-mill doctor's visit where they check your weight, ask if you've been eating your greens, and send you packing. No, it's more profound and more personalized. It's about Prevention: Many of us take action when the damage is done - when the scales have tipped too far or the blood pressure monitor is screaming. What if we could catch these issues early or stop them from happening in the first place? That's what a wellness work-up aims to do. Holistic Approach: This check-up doesn't just look at numbers on a chart. It takes your lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and emotional health into account. It's about your whole health picture. Personalized Plans: You get an individualized wellness plan that considers your unique health profile. The Tools of the Trade Wellness work-ups use several tools. Here are the ones that made a difference in my journey and could in yours too. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Sounds fancy, right? But it's simple. A small sample of your hair is tested to check your body's mineral levels and toxic metals. It's an excellent way to spot nutritional deficiencies and guide us to create a tailored nutrition plan. Zyto Scan: This bio-communication tool communicates with your body, learns what it prefers in terms of nutrition, supplements, and treatments. It's like having a translator for your body's language. Detoxification: Our bodies get filled with toxins from our environment and food. A good detox can help clean up your system, and a wellness workup can guide you on how to do it effectively and safely. Coaching: Here's the part I love. It's not just about handing you a plan and saying, "Good luck." Wellness work-ups include one-on-one coaching. I had someone to guide me when I was lost, encourage me when I stumbled, and celebrate with me when I made progress. This support can be a game changer, especially when you're making lifestyle changes. Why This Matters, Especially During Peri/Menopause & Post Menopause High Blood Pressure: Did you know that your risk for high blood pressure increases after menopause? Prevention is key, and that's where a wellness work-up shines. Weight Loss: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to weight gain. A wellness workup can help you navigate these changes, providing nutritional and lifestyle advice tailored to your needs. Relationship Issues: With changing hormones can come mood swings, which may strain relationships. And let's be honest, many of us women have a tendency to put others first. It's time to put YOU first. A wellness workup can help you establish healthy boundaries and manage stress. So ladies, whether you're skeptical or not, consider a wellness work-up. It's not just another health fad. It's a tool for you to take control of your health, especially during life's challenging phases like menopause or post-menopause. So book an appointment, and take the first step in prioritizing your health. Remember, there's no better investment than in your well-being. Want to know more about how to Unveil and master hidden challenges after 40? Qualify for a free Strategy Session ($500 value) Get the ebook here.

  • Suffering in Silence: The dilemma of the biological clock

    World mental health day is October 10th of every year. I've posted a few insights on social media pages. I plan to extend the posts for the remainder of the month and beyond. Not surprisingly, since natural wellness is all about spirit, mind, and body-this topic is aligned with Your Healing Place's mission. Lately, I've been connecting with a particular group of clients that seemingly have no urgent need for Naturopathic care beyond the disdain for using Rx meds and a desire for overall wellness. However, upon further investigation, I'm finding a common theme. Many women are feeling stuck in a time loop of their biological clock. There is silent suffering for what was and a lack of clarity on what could be. The silent suffering is the loss of a baby they never really processed until the biological clock stopped ticking. Few notice the void. Then boom, it hits like a ton of bricks~unexplained grief, low energy, and unexplained aches & pains. Let me explain... Nancy, Rachel, Denise, and Sarah searched for a wellness coach on Google. All said the same thing, " I searched for a wellness coach, and your name popped up; I felt drawn to call you and a few others, and you were the only one the returned my call." I heard the call a few years back to serve these women. I've been in practice for 18 years, and I see a thread of why they're drawn to me. I didn't realize it until a few weeks ago. My dear, you are spirit, mind & body. As you mature, your soul calls you to higher truths and a deeper understanding of your role as a woman—that's why many women 40 and over start looking for someone like me that can empathize and add wisdom to a much-needed conversation. I believe I have a spiritual beacon they can see. Between the ages of 40 and 47, a woman's biological clock slows, and simultaneously, her body changes in fantastic ways. Suppose she is not grounded in the changes. In that case, she will see the transformation as the end of her sense of personal value. For many women, fertility and childbirth become an identity. Life can seem hopeless, unfulfilling, and unbearable when that identity is lost. During the initial coaching session is when emotions show up. The zyto scan reveals what emotions are trapped in specific organs, causing dis-ease. We start this exploratory process during the Zoom wellness consult. I use that time to connect with a new client to see what she needs. For some odd reason, after I heard a few of her concerns, I was prompted to ask, "have you lost a baby?" At first, I felt embarrassed to ask such a question. Yet, every time the answer was "yes!" As I think about all the women I've supported over the years, a good percentage of them share their loss in passing; many will cry upon mentioning it, even if the loss was 20 years ago. As a Naturopath and wellness coach, I've experienced the loss of a baby. I needed to add a component to my practice to help these women heal. I believe the key to this type of healing is all about "Unclocking." I created the term, so there is no need to look it up. My definition is to disconnect from the limitations of a biological clock to discover your creative purpose. Finding your purpose through your passion can re-establish a sense of self beyond what can be created with your body. What a revolutionary thought... right?! When there is passion and purpose, life is filled with joy and positive experiences that change the paradigm about what was lost. To keep talking about this may not be the answer here. But, If you'd like to continue this conversation, I created an online course that will support your journey on the " Unclocking" process. Additional support is offered via a unique coaching opportunity. There is help for you. There is no need to suffer in silence.

  • Stuck?10 Practices for Guaranteed Progress.

    Stuck in a rut? Proverbial gum on your shoes holding you back? I get it! The fear of COVID, Monkey Pox, and an expectation of a new boogie man every week can do that to the best of us! You don't have to stay stuck though. Just acknowledge where you are. Feel the emotions of it and let it pass by. Yes, look at the "thing"- the emotions, try to identify the trigger then take a deep breath. This is what I share with my coaching clients when they get stuck in a rut of non-productivity, weight plateau, or rehearsing past trauma. Over the past few months, you've experienced ups and downs; setbacks for a comeback- and even felt like a phoenix rising out of the ashes. I personally have felt all of that and some! I would be amiss if I even eluded to the fact that I came out of those experiences based on my knowledge alone. Yet, I can firmly settle into the fact that my "come up" happened when I allowed someone to speak life into my situation and remind me that I can be the creator of my destiny. As we reflect on the past 8 months of 2022 that have shaped how we feel at this very money, there is a lot to be thankful for and a great deal of opportunity to use what we can to get the "gum" off. I'm stepping into another phase of my life. I wonder how my desire to be the best wellness coach aligns with YOUR desire to discover your creative power outside of conventional wisdom. I too vacillate between wellness and dysfunction, emotional balance, and emotional pain. 2021 I overcame insurmountable physical pain from rotator cuff surgery, the death of family members, the perceived death of YOUR Healing Place, and the death of my marriage! In spite of all that, I choose to create in the affirmative. And, I know you do too. This blog is intended to show you how to embrace anything that life throws your way without losing your footing; no matter how bazaar. If there is gum on your shoe preventing you from moving forward, you have two options: Take the time to take the gum off your shoe (time-consuming) Change your shoes to a pair that is more appropriate for where you'll be walking (mental shift) Top 10 TIPS to shift From Panic to Empowerment: 1. DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING When in an emotional, spiritual, or physical crisis- stand still. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. (Monopoly Reference) 2. Listen! Shut Up and listen. Your spirit will whisper, then speak more loudly until you feel like you are losing your mind. ("Did you hear that", you'll ask audibly.) 3. Take action when you get the "green light" intuitive hit to press on. Only listen to what feels right. Stop thinking so much. Feel into life. Use the new energy to accept how you feel about things. That is your SUPERPOWER for healing and for happiness. 4. Take responsibility for your health. Access the support you need to rid yourself of unwanted symptoms to regain your vitality. Be objective about your sleep, energy, bowels & moods. 5. Get a full-body detox, a Hair Tissue Analysis, or both as a bundle Clear the gunk from your lungs, liver, colon, blood, lymph, kidneys, and bladder so you can breathe life into your existence. Get the proper mineral combination for your biochemistry. Discover toxic elements secretly derailing your health. Finally, discover the proper diet for YOUR body! Stop guessing! 6. Connect with like-minded people that understand your desire for growth and are willing to grow with you. Get support from someone who knows how to navigate the game of life that can teach you how to win. Connect with members of Your Healing Place on the WIX App using code CO2JVE. RSVP for Girls Night Out Events! 7. Acknowledge that the life you live now is the sum of your past experiences. Be chill about accepting that you need to discover more to move out of your current rut of sadness, despair, frustration, guilt, and loneliness. These are some of the emotions that get trapped in your organs that create dis-ease. Don't know where to begin? Start with a Zoom Wellness Consult with Dr. Stephanie, Naturopath & Certified Magnetic Mind coach. 8. Get a zyto scan that identifies and offers viable natural solutions for your transformation. The scan reveals trapped emotions lodged in organs, that represent the root cause of your dis-ease. It's high time to get out of the mindset of just treating symptoms. 9. Read! Get the book From Panic to Empowerment: How to stop pain & dis-ease from taking over your life by connecting spirit, mind & body. Your brain needs reading to stimulate clear thinking. Never stop learning. If you're into audiobooks, do that. Whatever you do be sure to be completely present with what you allow to enter your spirit via, eyes & ears. Your sanity depends on it. 10. Be completely good to yourself. Recognize that there is NOTHING wrong with you. You do NOT have to fix yourself. Yet, you may need a wellness coach to pull you from a place called, "The Dark Night of the Soul'. Getting Results Once you take these steps you will discover how to extract wisdom from the pain. That is the ultimate objective of being in a place that makes you question everything you ever knew. That's the place where you will rise like a phoenix and expand your emotionality and mental territory to places you never thought attainable. The four months left in 2022 could be the pivotal time toward greatness in 2023. You ARE ready for 2023 if you believe you are. But I admonish you not to syke yourself into an untrue reality. If you need help seek it! It will always be available to you when you reach beyond yourself into the creative flow of everything! You are extraordinarily POWERFUL! Anything you focus on will manifest. ABOUT The Author Dr. Stephanie specializes in helping clients redefine their wellness goals by incorporating a spirit, mind, and body approach to wellness using the RESULT method. For more information, book your Zoom Wellness Consult and get access to the From Panic to Empowerment Audiobook today!

  • Having Mysterious Scary Symptoms ?

    You may be experiencing symptoms of toxic overload. The stage before you manifest illness and serious dis-ease! Bloating, gas, indigestion (parasites) White coating on tongue, brain fog ( Fungus/Candida) Craving sugar (parasites) Mental disturbance, forgetfulness (Toxic Metal) Hormone imbalance (environmental/agricultural toxins) We are exposed to toxins all the time. Our daily routine exposes us to several common pollutants in our water, food, and air. While our liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system play a major role in removing biologically harmful compounds, our bodies have not evolved to deal with the growing number of toxins we unknowingly interact with every day. Detoxification systems can easily become overwhelmed, causing toxin overload. This is what's possible when your body has taken in more toxins than it can process. When this happens, real damage is imminent. (Cancer, Neurological disturbance) Relationship Toxins are not only from food and air. Emotions from others can also be toxic, causing physical manifestations that many may not connect the dots to emotions.(sadness, irritability, anxiety, fear) Those low vibrational emotions contribute to slower metabolic functions leaving toxins in the body longer increasing the toxic load! At Your Healing Place, every aspect of health is seen through the lens of spirit, mind & body interconnections. Addressing every aspect of who you are is the only way to establish a true understanding of your wellness potential. Your current lifestyle may contribute to toxic spiritual, mental and physical overload. Read From Panic to Empowerment: How to stop pain & disease from taking over your life by connecting spirit, mind & body. Origin of Environmental toxins? Toxins can come from lots of different places. In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report tracking air pollution levels and found that they had risen 8% between 2011 and 2016. Dr. David Bellinger wrote a report for the National Institutes of Health exposing the impact of pesticide exposure on children. This report skipped information about at-risk groups, like farmers, and focused on the general population. As a result of everyday pesticide exposure, he estimated that Americans had lost 16.9 million IQ points in total. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that school-age children are eating pesticide-laden school meals. The WHO monitors the food and water supply for toxins, and has found that a large percentage of food consumed by Americans is deemed unsafe. The highest concentration of this is derived from glyphosates (found in the pesticide Roundup). We use Roundup to kill weeds on our farms, highways, parks, and playgrounds in the U.S. The highest concentration of Roup spraying is in the states with the greatest amount of agricultural land: Florida, California, and Washington, followed by the Midwest, New, York, and New Jersey. The food produced in these states is then shipped throughout the country and becomes a staple of the American diet. Contaminated Food: Water & Grass All animals and fish are heavily contaminated with glyphosate because of the contaminated water supply and grass. Farm-raised animals are also given heavily refined foods such as corn and soy which cannot be naturally digested. They are also often fed the brains of other animals and hence, develop high levels of prions which then trigger normal proteins in the brain to work abnormally. The WHO has discovered that all animals and fish now carry the largest burden ever recorded in history. So, when a person consumes animal protein (i.e., meats, dairy products, eggs, fish), they are highly susceptible to extremely high exposure to many heavy metals (i.e., mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, prions, and glyphosate) which they cannot safely tolerate. Glyphosate and other dangerous pesticides are also found in non-organic produce, processed foods, condiments, and items rich in non-organic corn, soy, and wheat. Glyphosate FACTS An antibiotic that kills a person’s healthy microbiome. It binds to critical minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins and prevents their absorption. Learn more here. Some toxins can be absorbed through your skin. Personal care products, like shampoos, make-up, perfumes, and lotions often contain parabens, formaldehyde, and phenoxyethanol (a stabilizer in many perfumes that’s very dangerous to infants and children.) As these products are absorbed, those toxins come into the body too. Some toxins come in through your supplements, toothpaste, and medications since many of them contain gelatin. Gelatin is often contaminated with prions. For additional information read this article Disturbing’: weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples Symptoms of Toxic Overload Toxic overload can cause several changes in your body. Your body will do everything it can to expel those toxins in the early stages. You may experience: diarrhea sneezing or coughing fits excessive urination sore throat heartburn nasal congestion or a runny nose (from mucus overproduction) vomiting. changes to their body odor or excessively oily skin, as well, since their bodies are acting to purge those toxins through their pores. Some of your faculties may be impaired as the toxins accumulate in your system. Most people experience fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, eczema (and other inflammatory conditions like gout), depression, or “brain fog”. Identifying Toxic Overload Identifying toxic overload is more than just looking at symptoms since so many different conditions and diseases can cause similar problems. Sensitivity to a chemical or food you’re routinely exposed to; even substance abuse can cause similar symptoms. A diagnosis of toxin overload starts with a general overview of your habits and lifestyle, your symptoms, and a comprehensive physical exam. A Hair Tissue Analysis test is frequently done to better understand what is happening inside the body. An HTA can identify exposure to toxic metals as well as malabsorption of nutritional elements that can cause dis-ease. The results offer a personalized diet and mineral protocol to rebalance your system. The process removes toxins and re-establishes biochemical balance for better health. Treatment for Toxic Overload The good news about toxic overload is that your body is capable of cleansing itself once you stop consuming toxins. In most cases, you can avoid invasive procedures by simply providing support through diet and lifestyle changes. Doing the Opening Channels detox program once per year is a staple wellness practice that should not be dismissed! Your detox can start today by just restricting your intake of toxic foods (dairy products, eggs, fish, red meat, poultry, processed food, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, inorganic produce, and crops (i.e., wheat, corn, soy). At the same time add lots of organic green vegetables, fresh herbs, ancient whole grains like quinoa & amaranth; and small beans like mung beans and red lentils into your diet. Make sure to soak the grains and beans overnight before cooking so they are easily digested. Also, you would do yourself good to become a food investigator. Monitor how foods make you feel! If your cells feel like they're bumping together after you eat, chances are you ate something nourishing. If you feel sluggish after eating that may be a sign that your body is using its reserve to deal with a toxin. The key is you have control. Just pay attention. Many organic plant-based foods support the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract so that the body is detoxified. Herbs like dandelion, parsley, cilantro, turmeric, and milk thistle all help to support the liver: the most vital organ for detoxification. You’ll also want to drink lots of warm water throughout the day since water is critical for flushing out your organs. EMF Electromagnetic frequencies from electronics are a form of energetic toxin. You should avoid using electronics for the first hour after waking up and the last two hours before bed. The lights emitted from electronics prevent the production of the critical hormone Melatonin. Melatonin deficiency (come after age 45 or even earlier) leads to difficulty with detoxification, and a compromised immune system. 4 Things you can do today! Avoid repeated exposure to toxins, by restricting your intake of all processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, foods especially high in saturated and trans fats (i.e., animal protein, too many nuts), and nicotine. When it comes to skincare and hygiene, use only natural, fragrance-free care products which are free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, lead, and other potentially toxic compounds. Regularly practice deep breathing. Many toxins are released through the lungs. Yoga is a healthy way to get your exercise in while learning to be more mindful of your breathing. Get as much fresh air as possible, since so many toxins are airborne. Taking a walk through the park, instead of eating lunch at your desk, can make all the difference. Take Control by Taking Action~ Be Proactive, NOT Reactive! Need support and quick answers to your personal concerns? Book a Zoom Wellness Consult to get insight from Dr. Stephanie.Get exclusive access to the From Panic to Empowerment Audiobook Prepare your body for healing with the Opening Channels Detoxification Program and get coached through the process by Dr. Stephanie Remove toxins and get your vitality back by getting a personal dietary plan and exact mineral protocol from the results of your Hair Tissue Analysis About the Author Dr. Stephanie is Naturopath, Author, and certified Magnetic Mind Coach-offers an innovative approach to wellness via programs & services; built on the understanding that wellness comes from the balance of spirit, mind & body. Avoiding toxins, supporting your body’s natural systems, and regular exercise can work hand in hand with natural remedies and coaching. This will help detox your mind, as well as your body. The Opening Channels Detox program, Hair tissue analysis, and Zyto Scan help cleanse the spirit, mind, and body. Your Healing Place was founded on these sound principles. All services are both comprehensive & virtual. Dr. Stephanie specializes in helping clients redefine their wellness goals by incorporating a spirit, mind, and body approach to wellness using the RESULT method. For more information, book your Zoom Wellness Consult and get access to the From Panic to Empowerment Audiobook today!

  • The #1 Self Care Practice: Do It Every Year!

    Every encounter with someone who seeks my support is an opportunity to share the ("Must Do") practices of wellness. At the top of the list, before you consider anything else, is detoxification! That is the #1 single most important practice you must do every year! Imagine how awful your car would ride if you waited once a year to get an oil change & air filter. Suggesting that to you would be absurd. You know better! When you consider starting your wellness journey, your first thought should be; "I need to clean myself out." It doesn't take much thought to figure out why. Everything works better when it is clean. However, I have heard that the hole-in-the-wall eating establishments with syrup stickiness on the salt and pepper shaker serve the best food. (I may revisit that idea in another post) For now - It's critical to get to the root of why detoxification is so necessary for your wellbeing. Let's start by understanding each product within the Opening Channels Detox Protocol. What does this stuff do? ReHydration (2 oz.) ReHydration is a homeopathic combination formula for the symptoms associated with fluid imbalances. For symptoms such as dehydration, excessive thirst, lack of thirst, dry skin, bloating, headaches, stiffness in muscles and joints, mental sluggishness, and dry mucous membranes (including throat, mouth, sinuses, rectum, and vagina).† AminoGest (180 capsules) AminoGest provides a concentrated, pre-digested form of protein that helps maintain normal digestive and structural function. Formulated for maximum assimilation, AminoGest’s ocean fish protein is easily absorbed with minimal digestive effort. Catalyst-7 (180 capsules) Catalyst-7 provides highly-concentrated digestive enzymes and a blend of herbs to help maintain normal digestive function. This formula contains herbs that specifically assist with the normal function of the stomach. Colon Clear & Pure Body An herbal/nutritional supplement, Colon Clear is designed to help maintain normal bowel function. Colon Clear is not for prolonged use but helps with occasional bloating, pressure, and constipation. Pure Body Clear is an organic/wildcrafted herbal blend formulated as a gentle support for the primary elimination pathways. This blend helps maintain the normal function of the body’s filtration system including the liver, kidney, and gallbladder. Flora Synergy (150 capsules) Flora Synergy® contains the spore form probiotic Bacillus coagulans and prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS) to help support normal immune and digestive response. Unlike other probiotics, these bacteria remain in spore form until they reach the small intestine and aid in maintaining intestinal microflora balance. SpectraMin (2 oz.) SpectraMin®, an ionic trace mineral complex, helps maintain the body’s mineral and electrolyte balance. Naturally sourced from the Great Salt Lake, the minerals and numerous trace minerals in this formula are in their ionic form to expedite the absorption process. What are the benefits of detoxification beyond the obvious? I've detoxed every year for the past 13 years. I am always overjoyed to see a peachy glow in my skin. Once I turned 50, that became a priority - youthful-looking skin! That means a lot to me. Others brag about feeling the lightness of releasing more boop they even knew was possible. Older clients brag about their renewed mental clarity. Did you know that toxins in the body can lead to brain fog? Others have reported similar results. All claim to see the value in doing this one step before doing anything else. The process is easy. You take the remedies as instructed in the morning and the evening. The rehydration and spectramin formulas get added to your 1-liter bottle of water. There is no need to be chained to the toilet. Since your toxic release includes all of your elimination organs, you can go about your day feeling empowered. Whether your official birthday is this month, or you are declaring this is Your time to shine-get started. Once you begin your Opening Channels Detox program; you'll wonder why you hesitated! The journey toward wellness can be fun! It is full of aha moments for self-discovery. When you have the correct tools used in the proper order, your healing potential has no limits. On a more serious note; detoxification is the most critical aspect of maintaining optimal immunity. For the sake of not being too technical: the more toxic load, the more compromised your immune system. The less toxic load, the greater the chance your immune system can fight off microbes i.e. viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc. Not sure what that looks like for you? Book a Zoom Wellness Consult. I'd be happy to support you on your wellness journey, which, by the way, is NOT a destination. It's a lifestyle with many twists and turns that should be traveled with someone who can help you get the best results possible.

  • 10 Supplements All Women Should Consider Taking for Good Health

    The human body requires specific vitamins and minerals to function optimally. According to Dr. Joel Wallach, a famous Naturopath, and pathologist, everybody needs 90 essential nutrients to include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. According to Dr. Wallach, a well-balanced diet cannot reduce or even eliminate the need for the supplementation because the soil food is grown in can be void of many nutrients. It makes sense that if the soil is void of nutrients, the food is grown in the ground will not have the proper nutrients that it should. However, supplements can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet leading to optimal health. Not Like A Man The needs of women are similar to, but not precisely, the same as those of men. Women must understand the RDA (recommended daily allowance) and follow it to the best of their ability. One key to consider is that everyone’s need for supplementation is different. This no one-size-fits-all plan. Supplementation is impacted by many variables, including weight, activity, illness, etc. However, essential nutrients are a must for women to regain and maintain a healthy existence. Consider these supplements to optimize your health: 1. Vitamin D. Many women are deficient in this vital vitamin. Your skin is indeed able to produce vitamin D in the presence of sunlight, but that might not be sufficient if you don’t spend enough time outdoors regularly. ● Vitamin D has many functions, but its roles in calcium absorption and boosting your immune system are among the most important. ● The current RDA for women under 70 is 600 IU per day. That number increases to 800 IU per day for those over 70, lactating, and consistently active women, which causes more utilization of nutrients that need to be replenished. 2. A multivitamin. Ideally, all the human body's vitamin needs would be met by the diet if the foods consumed were not filled with pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics, blocking the assimilation of nutrients. However, it’s not always easy to eat a balanced diet that addresses every vitamin and mineral. Soil is not as mineral-rich as it used to be. The healthy, nutritious food our grandparents ate is a thing of the past, thanks to overfarming, global warming, and the need for synthetic fertilizers. Thus, creating a need for supplementation. A simple multivitamin cannot help to ensure that all of your daily requirements are met. Because of the many variations of nutritional deficiencies, few know what theory personal dietary needs are. For this reason, a simple hair test can offer valuable insight into what your body needs and what it may already be getting too much of that are causing a health problem. Too many vitamins & minerals are as devastating as not enough! 3. Calcium. Calcium is a primary component of bones. Osteoporosis is a real threat to all women as they age. But it is not written in stone that age is synonymous with declining bone health. ● Women under 50 years of age require 1,000 mg per day. ● Those over 50 need 1,200 mg per day. 4. Fiber. Fiber aids in gut motility and may help to lower cholesterol. Certain types of fiber also serve as food for gut bacteria. A healthy diet provides plenty of fiber, but if you’re not eating a healthy diet with ample fiber-rich food, a supplement can help. A natural form of fiber can be found in celery, Psyllium powder, apples, and watermelon. 5. Fish Oil. While you can live without most dietary fats, it is necessary to consume essential fatty acids. These are most easily consumed in fatty fish or fish oil supplements. If using fish as your primary source, please be mindful of getting wild-caught fish and not farm-raised. To be completely sure, either way, consider the hair test. The report offers specific dietary recommendations based on your body. Sometimes salmon, the most popular fatty fish, can be a contraindication for some. If you don't know that salmon is not good for you, you could create or make a hidden problem worse. ● There is no set recommendation for essential fatty acid intake. It doesn’t take much. As little as a gram, a day could be sufficient. Follow the label instructions. 6. Probiotics. Many health issues are believed to start in the gut. A healthy gut dramatically increases the odds of having a healthy mind and body. Probiotics, as found in yogurt, need to be fed prebiotics to maintain their survival. Imagine, we need to feed the good bacteria prebiotics to grow to outnumber the bad bacteria that can cause illness. A wonderful prebiotic is chickory root if you're looking for a coffee substitute! ● Again, follow the label instructions. 7. Vitamin B-12. This vitamin does many things in the body, including the building of DNA and red blood cells. If you eat a lot of meat, you probably don’t need a vitamin B-12 supplement. However, if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, supplementation will likely be necessary. B-12 is notorious for ramping up the energy. However, lack of energy may not always be fixed by a quick B-12 shot. Lack of energy can be attributed to a sodium/potassium imbalance or adrenal fatigue. Either of which can be easily found in the results of a Hair Tissue Analysis ● The Mayo Clinic recommends that all adults consume 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B-12 per day. 8. Iron. Menstruating women lose blood, which contains iron. One of the primary roles of iron is oxygen transport in the blood. Low iron can lead to anemia. However, anemia is not only about iron but also copper. Too much copper in the tissues can have a profound impact on the level of iron. In this instance, the problem is not iron deficiency as much as it is about excess copper. Many don’t realize that minerals have a dancing partner. When one element is off, the other “partner” can be the culprit to your new symptom. When there is too much iron in the system that is not being used by the body, the excess can create hypertension. The question for the person struggling with hypertension becomes; “Is supplementation the root of my hypertension or a malfunction of my heart?” Again, a simple hair test can help you sort out the answer, which could become the solution to getting rid of hypertension for good. That is the magic of Naturopathy. Its aim is always to get to the root of the problem to eliminate it. ● Premenopausal women are advised to consume 18 mg/day. ● Postmenopausal: 8 mg/day 9. Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is part of the sleep process. If you sleep well, melatonin supplementation is unnecessary. On the other hand, if you have difficulties sleeping, a melatonin supplement might help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Yet, relying on melatonin misses other causes of insomnia that can be addressed by proper utilization of other nutrients. Excess calcium in the tissues caused by eating too many carbohydrates can cause Type I insomnia-can’t fall asleep. Type two insomnia-not being able to stay asleep is a cry for magnesium. Instead of random supplementation, it makes sense to invest in a hair test to know for sure. ● Try 1-2 mg to start, 30 minutes before bed. 10. Folate. Folate is necessary for pregnant women to prevent a certain type of congenital disability. Folate has several other roles in the body, too. ● For women without risk of becoming pregnant: 400 mcg/day. ● Women with a risk of pregnancy: 800 mcg/day. I would not advocate for you to go out and purchase these items. Of course, the best place to start is a talk with a practitioner that is well versed in nutrition, which may not be your PCP. However, you can get a wealth of knowledge from a Naturopath or Nutritionist. Feel free to contact me, Dr. Stephanie, your friendly Naturopath (Wellness Coach). It’s also important to realize that it’s easy to get too much of a good thing. Taking too much of any supplement can be much worse than not taking it at all. Follow the directions on the label, or better yet, get a hair test. The results give insight into the right diet for your “biochemistry” and the proper supplementation based on your personal needs. One question my clients ask all the time is, “How do I know what is the best diet for me?” The quick answer is, you won’t know unless you pay attention to how you feel. If you eat something and it makes you feel good and provides adequate energy, then your body benefited from what you ate-keep it. But, if you eat something and you become tired and experience any gastrointestinal disturbance, chances are your body couldn’t use what you ate-get rid of it! Remember that many symptoms you may take for granted and explain away as nothing serious could be signs of nutritional deficiencies. Embarking on a supplementation plan without the support of a professional can be a disaster. Connect with a professional to get the correct information for your body and your unique nutritional variations. Remember, every woman is different. You are different! Please feel free to comment. I love to hear your thoughts or question about this subject! Until next time... Be well!

  • Girl's Night Out

    THE DRIVING FORCE Let's face it the entire world was upended by the coronavirus, aka COVID 19. Because of this unexpected shift, everyone had to learn to adjust - cope and thrive emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and let's not forget economically. In terms of economics, one group that needed to pull up their creative bootstraps were wellness practitioners. Being driven by the passion for serving humanity with the reality of reduced income potential (who has expendable income these days?)- it became clear that creativity needed to be bumped up a few notches. The passion for Serving Because of my desire to serve, I not only refused to buckle to the new reality of potential failure, I decided to offer an invaluable free service that felt more like a community. While creating this safe place to grow and thrive as a collective, I provide similar support to a group as I would for paying clients. Well, not precisely to the level of paying clients, yet the pure intention to support those in need is the catalyst for the creation of GNO. There is an opportunity to create your own private coaching group. Groups hosted now include: Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Grief for Loss of a Baby and Self-Love. Not only did I see this gesture as the right thing to do for those who needed a platform to grow beyond their fear of our new reality, but the creation of GNO also supported my soul's call to serve even when there was no certainty of the survival of Your Healing Place. WHY... What For? One main reason that GNO events exist is to add a support system for current clients to feel connected since, at the moment, only virtual services exist. Some services are a full program virtual membership that offers all of the support that was available in-house. Other programs provide abbreviated services -ala cart- as the clients see fit in unique Pricing Plans. We all know that wellness is a lifestyle, not a destination. That being said, it makes sense to offer every opportunity for you to get well and stay well in the new world of COVID. The HUG factor The experience at the office leaves memories of dynamic events. Transformational sessions became the YHP reputation as clients came into the office with an inviting handshake; and left with a supportive oxytocin creating hug, A highlight of every visit was the informal tea sips. Tea time was bonding time. I'd bring back exotic teas from other countries and serve clients du ring their office visits in my travels. The hugs and the coaching and scanning over tea was a magical component of why clients saw breakthroughs. I grew and harvested a signature tea from passion flowers grown in the Your Healing Place garden to recapture tea time. You may be thinking... "Wow, how creative!" I would say the passion for serving and needing to maintain the hug factor drove me to be innovative! Collective Healing At the heart of the "why" is the desire to stay true to why Your Healing Place was established. A spiritual conviction always drives a wellness practitioner's initial call to serve humanity to live out their soul's purpose. In the quest to do so, I pour my heart into helping you navigate your soul's calling. Many aren't aware of what their soul is asking. Exploring different topics during the GNO sessions opens the universe for you to connect with your higher self. One issue at a time. So, if you thought GNO was just a cackling session amongst women, think again. Each session has the potential to be an exploratory platform of how you can discover your most authentic self amongst like-minded women and solidify the relationship with your wellness/life coach. If you're looking for such person, book a Zoom Wellness Consult with me- Dr. Stephanie. Speaking with someone who cares enough to hear "Your Story" could be the mini shift you need to begin the journey of Y-O-U! Give a Shout Out! If you have firsthand experience connecting with me- Dr. Stephanie, during GNO events, share your experience in the comments and invite others to the conversation. Let us continue to bring other women to the "table." Collective spiritual, emotional, and physical healing supports the big picture that no matter how the world changes, you can find a way to be creative, innovative, and relevant as you navigate life in our new reality. Oh, one last thing! The conversations within the GNO events are based around the concepts that revolve around moving From Panic to Empowerment, a beautiful book about the connection between physical dis-ease & connecting spirit, mind & body. You can also listen to each chapter on YouTube if you are more of a listener than a reader. Until Next Time... be well.

  • The Truth about Obesity & Mineral Deficiency

    Obesity~You’re Not Greedy; You’re Mineral Deficient! Obesity: A condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. The human body needs 90 essential nutrients to function correctly, maintain health, and repair. Essential nutrients are divided into 60 minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, and 3 Essential Fatty Acids. A balanced diet CAN NOT provide all of the essential minerals. The major minerals we need in our body are sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. The test to determine your mineral balance is called a Hair Tissue Analysis. Each of these significant minerals is rarely contained in foods in the proper amounts. Even the "four food groups” cannot supply adequate nutrition. This is NOT possible because the soil that food is grown in is denatured and utterly void of minerals. Yes… you heard that correctly! The foods that you eat have very little nutritional value. That is equally true for organic foods. Why? Over the years, farming practices have stripped the soil of most of its nutrients but have attempted to save the crops using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. So you can imagine the changes that have occurred with the food grown in that soil and how it has affected YOU! Organic Better? If the food is truly organic, it will be certified to be so, yet it has little additional nutrients; it’s just cleaner. That does not mean additional nutritional value. An Oregan State University study shows a clear correlation between obesity and micronutrients. To combat obesity, make sure to get the best nutritional supplements for your body. While many people are aware that excessive eating is a leading factor of obesity, few understand our bodies’ need for minerals. When your body does not receive the essential minerals you need, you unconsciously consume more calories every day and remain unhealthy and obese. You’re not greedy; you’re mineral deficient! Discovering what your body needs is the first step toward successful weight loss. To solve the mystery of the root cause of your weight loss woes, don't rely on a blood test. Get a simple hair test. If you have a problem with sugar, it may be wise to dig deeper into why sugar makes you crave it. Discover more about yourself by taking a sugar challenge This simple equation: 4 Steps to Success Cravings + Fatigue + Slow Metabolism = Nutrient Deficiency = No Mineral Efficiency = Unwanted and Progressive Weight Gain. To avoid unwanted and progressive weight gain, follow these simple steps for a healthier lifestyle: Step 1: Try to reduce the amount of gluten (wheat, rye, barley. Step 2: Avoid processed foods (Nitrites /nitrates, oil in a bottle) Step 3: Supplement Daily (A hair tissue analysis test will provide the proper nutrients for your body's needs) Step 4: Get in contact with a naturopath/ Wellness coach for guidance. Schedule a Zoom Wellness Consult Remember, You’re Not Greedy; you’re Mineral Deficient!

  • Naturopathic Love Spell

    February is the month of love and romance and lingerie and great sex and cuddling and spooning and… whatever else you’d like to add to the mix for the month of love. Some even search for love spells in hopes that February will bring love to their lives. I personally anticipate getting a double whammy of affection because my birthday is the day after Valentine’s day, and everyone who knows that pours on the love… Hey, what can I say? I’m lovable, and I am loving. So are you! I give openly and freely, and I am not shy to receive either. That, my dear reader, is what we call a happy balance. Let some in, give some away. Wow, what a nice picture of love I just painted; it makes me feel like I want to fall in love this month~ wait a minute, I am in love; with God, my husband, and my children. I sure can't leave out self-love. I love me. Do you love YOU? Ahhhh, love is good, especially when you can experience it in all its glory. But you did know I was going to bust somebody’s bubble right about here!! Some will not be able to experience the joys of the love offered for this month or any other time of the year. Many will plod along as if nothing is going on; even the sexiest of Vicky secret will not entice- and "hot momma" may be secretly frigid! Oh, my, she went there! I did… Why? Mineral Imbalance and Your Libido What I am talking about is your health. These issues, as sensitive as they may be are nutritional issues. Copper toxicity will deflate the libido quicker than a hand grenade in your child’s blow-up pool! That goes for men and women. Zinc to copper imbalance can cause detached behavior and impotence. The truth is this problem is happening more and more. You’ve heard the Viagra commercial on the radio lately bragging that you can get it cheaper from crazy websites. There is one of those horrible pills for women too. Stay clear. I hear the side effects are something out of a horror movie, not a love story! If you talk to any guy who tells the truth, he will tell you that the little blue pill is as limp as he is. Yet, natural remedies do have a red-hot track record in changing things around in all areas of your life. So do you really need a love spell? Maybe not, but getting a hair analysis, using homeopathic and proper supplementation could sure feel like the perfect spell! Sometimes a simple fix to what may seem to you is a serious problem could be a matter of tweaking your nutritional & dietary habits by talking with a professional and doing things a little differently. I was thinking... getting to the root of your issues by being courageous enough to investigate what's going on with your spirit, mind & body. Creative Thinking In case you were wondering where to seek help, consider Your Healing Place. A Hair tissue analysis can determine nutritional deficiencies that get to the root cause of all of what ails you, even functions that affect your love life—the wellness journey that teaches you to be creative with your healing strategies is the one that will deliver great results. One size does not fit all. The Hair Tissue Analysis service includes a one-hour coaching session. If you need additional support, there is an opportunity for you to get weekly wellness coaching. Talk to Dr. Stephanie during a one-on-one Zoom consultation and discover your hidden potential for wellness. If you are a bit skeptical about determining the right remedies for you, the Zyto Scan can shed light on what homeopathics are needed while also identifying trapped emotions and how organs are stressed by emotions causing a physical dysfunction. There is so much support waiting for you. Don’t wait; get some answers by booking your Zoom Consult now. You can be ready for Feb 14th of every year. I can imagine you in a superman/ woman cape, just ready to go! (wink)

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