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Welcome to Your Healing Place

With Dr. Stephanie Reid,PhD.

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Dr. Stephanie is a certified Superconscious coach & Naturopath. The founder of Your Healing Place and the author of the book on transformational healing, "From Panic to Empowerment."


I help women over 40 worldwide create the life they love by helping them UnClock. I've found that disconnecting from an outdated biological clock timeline can free the spirit, mind & body. There you can find a place of inspiration for wellness and connect with the passion that leads to your purpose. That is how you enjoy a fulfilling life. But first, you must unravel your spirit, mind & body blindspots and pitfalls. 


You are meant to do more than survive your middle-aged years; you are meant to Thrive. I am your coach. Together we co-create that reality by using Naturopathic protocols (zyto scanning, detox, and Hair Tissue Analysis) & coaching. What's holding you back?? Let's find out.


Health is not just the absence of physical disease. It's a beautiful dance between the spirit, mind & body. Whether you desire more health, financial abundance, or better relationships, you can achieve it by tapping into the superconscious mind! By adding coaching & Naturopathic services, you are guaranteed to reach any wellness goal!


The best way to discover your wellness "sweet spot" is to schedule a Strategy Session by downloading the Free E-book, I'd like to hear about what's stopping you from living the life you love. I have a plan for your success!


WHY A Coach?

  • Faster results

  • From confusion to clarity

  • Accountability

  • Stop wasting time & money

  • Personalized based on technology no guessing

  • Affordable

  • Life-changing/Transformational

College Students

The Magnetic Mind Experience - Recode

Wellness requires learning! Offering coaching services and On-Line Courses help clients maximize the benefit of using natural healing strategies by first understanding the most critical part of healing; integration of spirit, mind, and body.


Our online learning platform supports learning who you are and how you can be well by recognizing your current belief system and identifying what you'd love to create in place of your current reality.


Clients that experience their healing transformation by accessing the superconscious mind go through a mind-blowing process called the RECODE!


Check out the introductory video below and book your session.


When you become a Magnetic Mind coaching program member, you get access to a complete University Training platform filled with fascinating content that includes powerful meditations.


"Because you were only looking for physical relief from pain and disease, you may be surprised that the journey toward optimal health requires physical lifestyle changes and exploration of the spirit and mind." ~ Dr. Stephanie





This 2-hour unique session sets the stage for your comprehensive wellness journey. It includes everything you need to discover the root causes of your concerns with a proven strategy to heal. 


Bundle up service is the most innovative service to date. It offers several options to jump-start your body’s innate healing potential using an all-in-one experience.


The hair tissue analysis other wise known as the hair follicle test shows nutritional imbalance and exposure to toxic elements than can create chronic dis-ease. Get access to your perfect diet and  personalized mineral protocol discovered from a few strands of hair!


Its amazing what the Zyto Scan can do. Like an EKG machine for the heart we can virtally see whats happening with your major organs, just by placing your hand on a small device. The test shows what natural remedies your body needs without guessing!

 Did you know emotions are trapped in your organs! Let's see what your body has to say about your welllness needs.


Covid has created a unique opportunity to serve your wellness needs. No waiting in traffic, no sitting in a crowded area with a sweaty face mask. What you get with a virtual experience is the comfort of your own home and private recorded comprehensive Zooom sessions. Yes, the Zyto testing is done live, results are immediate. Hair Tissue Analysis results pop up on your screen. The most comprehensive insightful coaching sessions happen this way too!



Membership services offer the best experience for staying connected to your wellness journey. Weekly sessions are the cornerstone of creating the life you love. Monthly subscriptions make it easy to focus on the journey without payments, the need for a credit card, or banking information. Just book your session and prep yourself for the most enlightening encounter you ever thought was possible!

Citrus Fruits

You are very powerful,

Tap into the SuperConscious

Create the life you love!


Super Conscious

Group Coaching

From Panic to Empowerment

Magnetic Mind

Wellness Consult

Detox & Hair Tissue Analysis


There are toxins in our air, water, and food. Pesticides, preservatives, and even food coloring create obstacles for the body to restore itself. In addition, cellular debris and waste from parasites make it difficult to digest food and get rid of the waste-leaving the body toxic, the belly bloated, and the bowels clogged. At Your Healing Place, we strive to provide the best options for true healing by sharing with clients the understanding of how the body heals. The first healing strategy is detoxification. By starting all new clients on the Opening Channels detoxification program, everyone starts at the point that offers the highest potential for self-healing

Exploring the Dimensions of Wellness Book & Audio book

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Moving From Panic to Empowerment AUDIOBOOK Many people are looking for relief from serious wellness blocks. Let's face it, any dis-ease that leaves you feeling hopeless is a recipe for panic, especially if you've tried everything you knew to find balance. At Your Healing Place, there is a "movement." A profound concept about healing that you may be missing is the idea that you are a spirit, mind & body. Your wellness potential is intertwined in that reality. If there is any disconnection, the dis-ease will prevail. Each client is encouraged to read the book From Panic to Empowerment. The insights help you jump into your innate healing potential and sets the stage for unforgettable coaching sessions from our health life coach. Enjoy access to the FREE audiobook Audio Book Link.

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