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  • 12 Bad Foods

    12 Bad Foods ? Naturopaths Are Teachers Naturopaths are teachers. If you have ever met me in person; whether at the office or one of my speaking engagements, most likely your learned at least one thing you didn't know before. When I speak live, I usually refer to the audience as a class of second graders. Not to demean the audience, but to liberate them to a time where they could learn anything. I ask the audience to play with me by pretending to put all of the knowledge they have in a bucket and place the bucket on an imaginary table. Once done, it's understood that there is room for new information that will not be contaminated by old information. So play with me.... you're now in my class Play Time “Hello, I hope all 15 of you have enjoyed your meal. I will now call attendance before beginning today’s lesson: You have 15 organ systems. Learn More "Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Oil in a Bottle, Fried Food, Well Done Red Meat, Meat With Nitrates, Baked Skin on Potato, Carbonated Drinks with Meals, Soy and Corn?" "Here!" Wow! It seems as though all 12 of you are in attendance today. Unfortunately, you all have to go because you are causing great harm to my body! Typical Menu If your typical menu includes: Cookies, cakes, cereal, oatmeal, pasta, pizza bread, pretzels or anything made with the list above you are putting your health at risk! Fried food is the worst! Here’s why.” The 12 foods listed above MAY seem good; you may even eat them almost EVERYDAY. Like many, you may be thinking “well what else am I supposed to eat?" You have come to the right place, I can explain everything, just keep reading. However, after you get the full explanation you must commit to removing the 12 bad foods from your diet! Why? The 12 bad foods can lead to high blood pressure, liver cancer, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, and kidney cancer to name a few. Indulging in these foods regularly can really create a mess in your system. Ever heard of GMOs? Basically the acronym means genetically modified organism. Most grains are GMO’d so stay clear of them. If they don’t say so on the label “non GMO”, don’t eat it! Here are the 12 bad foods… Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats contain a protein called gluten which is bad for most humans. The gluten protein is indigestible. Oil in a Bottle become oxidized the longer it is in a bottle, when oxidized substances are introduced into the body you create inflammation. Fried Food is an accelerated process of oil in a bottle. Because of this the oil becomes carcinogenic, which leads to lower life expectancy. Research shows the more fried food you consume, you are at risk of introducing more inflammatory and cancer causing substances into your body. Well Done Red Meat creates a chemical which causes inflammation of cancer as well, heterocyclic amines. Meat with Nitrates (lunch meat, bacon, etc), those foods are injected with nitrates to keep the meat color fresh for consumers to buy. When heated, nitrates give off a chemical which is carcinogenic (like fried foods). Skins of Baked Potatoes are loaded with heterocyclic amines which causes cancer and inflammation when heated. Mesothelioma is a product of excess eating of potato skins Carbonated Drinks are unhealthy for you because the bubbles are carbon dioxide, which neutralizes acids… in your STOMACH! No Bueno! Drinking a carbonated beverages prevents your stomach acid to digest foods. Lastly, soy and corn is genetically modified. Genetically engineered foods lead to four different types of cancer, and death from high blood pressure and strokes. "The 12 foods are really bad for the body, they should be removed immediately." . Social Norms Now that you know what the 12 bad foods are, let’s briefly explore why we eat those foods anyway. In a nutshell that is the standard American diet. We are bombarded by commercials and marketing campaigns that brainwash us into believing those foods are somehow healthy. A healthy diet to many Americans is french fries, burger and a coke! Socialization plays a huge part in creating the community cultural norms. The herd mentality enforces the concept, “if everyone is doing it, it must be OK.” If everyone you know are about to jump a 30 foot cliff would you do it? Probably not… In order to be healthy, you must take your own health seriously and be prepared to get to know yourself enough to know what works for you and what does not! One key to moving in the right direction for food choices is to pay attention to how you feel after you eat. If you feel bad, STOP, don’t eat it again! That concludes our lesson for today, class dismissed! Take the Healthy Body Challenge, Ask how! #diettips #12badfoods #oliveoil #glutenfacts

  • Allergy or Gluten Intolerance

    So you're feeling miserable—perhaps stomach related, conceivably skin-related or even neurological—and you're pondering, do these manifestations mean I have a gluten sensitivity? Or maybe the idea of gluten never crossed your mind, all you want is benadryl for fast relief! You may be shocked to discover that there are a few unique conditions that point to a "gluten sensitivity," that you have been misdiagnosing as seasonal allergies. The truth is your favorite foods could be the culprit. Medical science doesn't really put a lot of emphasis on "gluten hypersensitivity." However, if you listen to any of Dr.Joel Wallach's lectures you will find out that not only does gluten cause an inflammatory response leading to the classic allergy symptoms, but gluten is also the root cause of many inflammatory dis-eases including arthritis, lupus and many others. Why? According to Wallach, inflammation creates malabsorption of nutrients and all disease leading to death is caused by nutritional deficiency. If you know someone who claims to be gluten intolerant they may suffer from one of four distinct conditions: celiac infection, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, dermatitis herpetiformis or gluten ataxia. None of these is a genuine hypersensitivity. Actually, a gluten sensitivity really implies a wheat hypersensitivity, which is a genuine sensitivity. Keep reading for additional information! Celiac Dis-ease: An Entire Body Involvement At the point when your specialist hears you say "gluten hypersensitivity," she's probably going to consider first celiac dis-ease, which happens when your immune system mounts an assault on your small digestional tract after eating a meal with gluten. Celiac dis-ease affects around one in 133 Americans. There are more than 100 distinct side effects possibly created by celiac illness—each case is distinctive, and in truth a few people don't have any manifestations whatsoever. In any case, there are a few side effects that show up every now and again in individuals eventually determined to have celiac sickness, including: Diarrhea or Constipation Stomach pains and additionally acid reflux Asthma Bloating Weariness Foggy brain syndrome Pallor Joint agony Rashes Anxiety & nervousness The non-appearance of these side effects doesn't really mean you can discount celiac sickness: as I stated, a few people have no manifestations by any stretch of the imagination, or experience the ill effects of neurological side effects, (for example, headaches and shivering in their arms and legs). Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: No, It's Not Celiac Infection So you have loose bowels as well as obstruction, stomach torment, bloating, exhaustion and cerebrum mist — you should have celiac infection, correct? One moment... you additionally may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity.. Gluten sensitivity—a condition that is just been acknowledged by analysts and clinicians over the recent years—causes side effects that are truly like those of celiac malady. Actually, it's unrealistic to differentiate the two conditions one from the other without therapeutic testing. Here's a halfway rundown of what you may encounter in the event that you have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Loose bowels or potentially obstruction Acid reflux or potentially "stomach throb" Bloating Gas Weariness Mind haze Cerebral pains (counting headache) Rashes as well as skin inflammation Like those with celiac sickness, individuals with the non-celiac gluten sensitivity report joint pain, uneasiness and additionally discouragement, and shivering in their arms and legs. Wheat Hypersensitivity: This Is a Genuine Sensitivity Individuals who are susceptible to wheat—really, genuinely hypersensitive to it—in some cases additionally encounter gastrointestinal indications and rashes, yet they may also experience more "run of the mill" sensitivity side effects, similar to a runny nose. Individuals once in awhile allude to a wheat hypersensitivity as a "gluten sensitivity," however genuine wheat sensitivity doesn't really include gluten—it's conceivable to be susceptible to a wide range of parts of the wheat plant. Side effects of genuine wheat sensitivity include: Nasal clog Bothersome, red, watery eyes Hives as well as bothersome rashes Swelling of lips, tongue as well as face Sickness, heaving and additionally stomach torment Loose bowels Trouble relaxing The most dangerous potential side effect of wheat sensitivity is hypersensitivity, a conceivably life-debilitating systemic allergic response. Individuals encountering hypersensitivity from wheat sensitivity may wind up hacking, wheezing or experiencing issues swallowing; their hearts may pulsate quickly or back off; and they may have a huge drop in circulatory strain. Hypersensitivity is a medical crisis. Immediately call 911 if you or someone close to you in in crisis! Dermatitis Herpetiformitis: The Itchiest Rash Possible Gluten can cause a skin rash. However, this rash is not the aftereffect of a genuine hypersensitivity: dermatitis herpetiformis is an immune system skin condition that happens when you've eat gluten grains. Side effects include: Blushed skin Different little knocks that look like pimples Tingling and consuming Purple imprints where knocks are recuperating Dermatitis herpetiformis can happen anyplace on your body, however the most widely recognized areas for this rash are your gluts, elbows, knees and on the back of your neck. In case you're going to have an episode, the tingling for the most part begins even before you see the bumps show up. The condition is firmly identified with celiac infection. Gluten Ataxia: Alarming Cerebrum Issue The remainder of the potential "gluten hypersensitivity" conditions is the most annoying: a cerebrum issue called gluten ataxia. When you experience the ill effects of gluten ataxia, your brain is affected and some damage may be irreversible. Indications of gluten ataxia include: Issues with walking and running lack of coordination Weakening of organs Slurred speech Trouble swallowing Gluten ataxia is beast! Sufferers may begin with what may appear like a minor weakness leading to debility. While one in four individuals determined to have gluten ataxia has the trademark of celiac infection, only one in 10 (and not really similar individuals) has gastrointestinal side effects. Which 'Gluten Sensitivity' Do You Have? It's unmistakable you can't tell from symptoms alone. Actually it doesn't really matter. The remedy is easy, yet it requires some prayer and will power. Prayer to ask God for strength to stop you from eating foods that give you quick energy and slow death and will power to self talk yourself out of something bad that you think tastes so good. You could see a dermatologist or gastroenterologist and subject yourself to an invasive colonoscopy which requires a light sedative and a horrible 24 hour laxative. And you could even allow a few dozen slashes on your wrist to determine your sensitivities. That sounds really barbaric to a naturopath and It probably does to you too. So Let's try this. Embrace the fact that foods create dis-ease. Especially when the foods creates an inflammatory and immune response. Stop eating the following foods and anything made with them ( wheat, rye, barley, oats.) Can you eat oatmeal? NO! Read the list again! See how you feel once you take those things from your diet and jot down how bad the experience was in case you get tempted to indulge again. Then take a bite of something with gluten and see how bad you feel. Walla! You got your answer! Jump Start Your Healing Naturally Your body has suffered a lot of damage over the years from pasta, flour, cereal bread, oatmeal, etc. It's going to take time to heal. Symptoms will subside rather quickly, but healing will need naturopathic support. Detoxification will help remove years of toxins left by gluten. Parasite, fungus, bacteria and other microbes thrive on this unhealthy gut environment. Feed your body not the bugs my clients say. There are remedies that can not only help heal, detoxify and nourish your system while you heal, But there are also natural remedies that can kill off microbes without the use of harmful antibiotics. Check out our shop by category for further assistance! It's time to take your health into your own hand! Be empowered in knowing that you can and I can help. #Glutensensitivity #allergies #wheat #barley #oatsarebad #AllerChordF

  • TABOO Search

    Nine Hundred and Sixty-Six million peopIe in 0.74 seconds! I did a Google search on the word TABOO. Surprisingly, I came across a TV show of the same name. Apparently it's a popular show. So were people looking up taboo for the hidden personal meaning or were they looking for the show stats? I can't say for sure, but I was on a personal mission. I was actually looking to see how many people were interested in the word "taboo" so I could maximize site views to this blog post. Which, will shamelessly lead you to my Taboo Podcast. Well, it's out there. Here I am another blogger trying to snag your intention to get you to see what I see, so I can help you. At least I am being transparent and admitting what I need from you so I can give you what I believe I have that can help you. Funny thing... You may know you need something, but not sure what it is. That's why you start searching keywords; just to see what amazing content will magically appear to solve your issue. Did you know that millions of people are searching for content about taboos, but few are actually talking about it! Taboos are the sneaky little, silent shamers that keep you up at night because you can't solve the mystery of their existence. Or, get relief from the hold they have on you. That's where I come in. I am Dr. Stephanie Reid, a naturopath with a passion to help you get what you need from your life. I am the voice of emotional and psychological reason you wish you had before your emotions were hijacked and your belief systems were cloned to be something other than what you truly believe. Taboos are strange intangible thoughts that create chaos. They are so profound because you can't always pinpoint what they are. So how in the world could you dissect them and spit them out to create a better life for yourself? Well, that's my job. As the author of the From Panic to Empowerment series, I am prepared to gently uncover your taboos, help you crawl from underneath them to regain your health- spiritually, emotionally and physically. Taboos are the hidden emotions of your spirit, paralyzing you from hearing the voice of internal guidance. Taboos are the outdated belief systems that suggest there is no other way to live but what you know now. If you have ever considered that you needed to do something different to be well; you are correct! You do. Healing is a spirit, mind, and body interconnected experience. You must establish a baseline of wellness for all parts of who you are them, consistently build on it. Trashing old emotions and beliefs is not exactly what we will be doing. What must happen before you push open the trash can is consider acceptance. Accept what was and be ready to move in a direction of your best self. Be prepared to learn to become selfish, say no and celebrate yourself. You may be freaking out over that last line, but trust me that is a strong hold of one of your taboos doing that to you. Hold on, help is coming. Connect with the podcast. Get what you need, then engage with me so I can help you firmly plant your feet on this new healing journey. Until Next Post... Tune in to the latest podcast! Dr. Stephanie Taboo talks Hot List of Taboos: 1. Men shouldn't cry 2. Selfishness vs. Selflessness 3. Say "No" 4. Your Mind is Playing Trick on you... there is so much more! #Taboo #Taboos #BestPodcast #mindbodyconnection #howemotionscausedisease

  • Podcast: Taboos w/ Dr. Stephanie

    Hello! Take a listen to Your Healing Place latest podcast episode with Dr. Stephanie, "Taboos". This is an episode full of information that is sure to change your situation in a positive way! If you are ready to be empowered listen to Dr. Stephanie's new podcast on Sound Cloud! Feel free to leave a comment, and share your thoughts.

  • The Conversation

    Every website that hopes to draw attention to its cause needs a blog. Whether the site promotes a product, concept or service; people need a voice to connect with. They need a connection to the site that draws them back, anticipating the next installment of something AWESOME! Well, you’ve found that kind of, in-your-face, amazingly candid approach to healing. Here on this site! I have been working with clients for over ten yours helping them see health through a lens that is as unconventional as you can imagine. There is a lot of knowledge in my head, and sometimes I just throw things against the wall to see what sticks. Not in a way that creates chaos, but in a way that will explore as many possibilities necessary for you to get a breakthrough. The focus is to figure out how to stop you from freaking out over every dis-ease you experience. The ultimate goal is to get you to see that your body is a magnificent creation. It requires a different kind of attention than ever before. Click HERE to Join the Conversation Clients will tell you that I can lead them to a feeling of accomplishment and help them shed old baggage that keeps them trapped in despair. I share my story to show that the human factor is universal and so is the healing potential. But you have to know what you are looking for in order to find relief. I can help you do that! "I believe..." I believe, with my whole heart, that healing is a very personal endeavor that requires one to dig deep into the feelings and the thoughts. I do not believe healing can be found in the bottom of a transparent brown bottle with a child proof top. I mean, who do they think we are? Idiots!? Probably. We all have been duped by the hype of false medical breakthroughs and fancy new discoveries. It’s all a smoke screen to get you away from knowing your true healing potential. And, a clever plot to put you in the poor house searching for hope like a puppy chasing its tail. Can we stop this madness? Can I introduce you to a better way to heal? Within this site, you will find a safe space to explore thoughts you only thought were yours alone. You will realize that you are not crazy and everything you wanted to express you now can. You are powerful as soon as you believe you are. You can move your life from the panic zone into the empowerment zone by using the 3 step Approach to Healing removing one taboo at a time.

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