Let’s get real, ladies. Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media, watching what feels like an endless loop of influencer skincare routines, celebrity “What I Eat in a Day” videos, or—you know—those late-night infomercials that miraculously catch you when you're asking yourself, “Why can’t I sleep even though I’m exhausted?” It’s like they know!
If you’ve ever been caught in the swipe-swipe vortex only to look up and realize three hours of your life have disappeared, then you might be in need of a **Digital Detox**. And I’m not just talking about deleting that pizza coupon email you’ve saved since 2016 (we all do it). I’m talking about reclaiming your sanity, your sleep, and your health by ditching the digital daydreaming.

Why Women Over 40 Are Scrolling... and Struggling
For many of us, especially women over 40, scrolling social media becomes the default end-of-day stress buster. You’re tired, work was a circus, and instead of winding down with a book or meditation, you think, “I’ll just check a few things.” Next thing you know, you’ve spiraled into watching dance trends you’ll never try, puppy videos that’ll make you cry, and DIY projects you’ll never have time to do.
But here’s the catch: the intention is to check a few things, but it becomes an addiction. Social media is designed to pull you in, and before you know it, you’ve spent hours on this dopamine drip, daydreaming your way out of real life. The problem? This addictive behavior often stems from a need to escape discomfort, like burnout, lack of job satisfaction, or just feeling completely overwhelmed. (Sound familiar?)
So what can you do about it? Well, I’m glad you asked! A Digital Detox isn’t just about unplugging your devices; it’s about detoxing the emotions and patterns that keep you coming back for more. And trust me, detoxing digitally can’t be done without addressing your body, too. As a Naturopath, I look at this holistically—mind, body, and spirit.
Why You NEED a Digital Detox:

Here’s why it's so important for professional women, especially those of us hitting our 40s (and beyond):
Sleep and the Circadian Clock:
Your natural sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) is severely disrupted by blue light exposure from screens. If you’re wondering why you can’t sleep even though you feel utterly drained, blame your phone. Blue light messes with your melatonin production, leaving you wide-eyed at midnight after scrolling through cat memes for an hour.
Addiction is Real: The endless scroll is like digital junk food for your brain. It's designed to keep you hooked, similar to how we escape into mindless activities when we’re overwhelmed. Women, especially professional women, often use scrolling as an escape from
the stress of juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities.
Stored Emotions in Your Organs: Did you know that, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), emotions are linked to specific organs in your body? That tension you feel could be more than just from sitting at your desk all day—it could be emotions manifesting in your body. And guess what? Detoxing your organs can help release those emotions too. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Anger: Stored in your liver and gallbladder. Excessive scrolling because your boss made you mad? Not helping that headache.
Worry: Sits in your stomach and spleen. Hello, endless doomscrolling at 2 AM about that deadline you can’t meet.
Grief: Hits your lungs and large intestine. Yep, those sad dog rescue videos could be making you feel more than you realize.
Fear: Lives in your kidneys and bladder. Fear of not being good enough at work? I see you, sister.
How to Detox Digitally (and Emotionally)
A true digital detox involves more than just putting down the phone for a few days. Here’s how to do it holistically:
1. Detox Your Body Physically:

When you detox your physical body, you’re also helping to detox your mind and emotions. As a Naturopath, I suggest:
Total body Cleansing: Anger and frustration are often stored in the liver. Detoxifying the liver can help reduce those feelings. Other organ: kidney, Lung, Bladder, Colon, Lymph and Blood.
Hair Tissue Analysis (HTA): Giving a hair sample can tell you not just why you’re tired, but also why your hair is thinning and why your five medications aren’t working. It identifies hidden toxic metals and imbalances that are dragging you down mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Proper Diet: The results from HTA give you a personalized diet plan and the correct mineral supplementation, drop-kicking the mindless draw to infomercials peddling generic supplements for the masses. (Spoiler alert: Those never work because you aren’t the target—your pocketbook is.)
Instead, embark on a personalized coaching program, designed just for you, based on a thorough assessment. We’ll work together to discover the gap between where you are and where you want to be. When we fill in that gap, your life will make sense. Trust me, you won’t have time to scroll—you’ll be too busy chasing your passions and discovering your purpose!
2. Mindfulness and Creative Expression:

Digital detoxing is not just about “doing less,” it’s about being more mindful of your habits. Try incorporating mindfulness exercises into your day, or better yet, express your creativity in ways that feed your soul. I’ve created a coloring book just for you to help with this! You can check it out [here]. Coloring is a fantastic way to relax your mind without the overstimulation of your devices.
3. Find a New Evening Ritual:
Instead of scrolling as your nightly wind-down, try swapping in healthier rituals like meditation, journaling, stretching, or, as I mentioned earlier, creative expression like coloring. This way, you calm your mind without the overstimulation of social media.
4. Set Digital Boundaries:
One of the easiest ways to start your detox is by setting simple boundaries. Set a timer for social media or keep your phone out of the bedroom. Simple changes make a world of difference.
The Power of Holistic Healing
Remember, the goal of a digital detox isn’t just to spend less time on your phone; it’s about healing your mind and body from the inside out. A spirit, mind, and body approach ensures you’re not just cutting out screen time but addressing the root causes of stress, emotional overwhelm, and physical imbalance.
At the end of the day, I just feel so blessed that I get to live out my purpose by helping you discover yours. That’s what you’re really looking for at the end of the corporate climb and the endless digital scrolling—purpose.
If I just ran through your mind and read your story, let’s connect. Why not schedule a Balancing Breakthrough Session today?
— Dr. Stephanie E. Reid, ND, PhD
Helping you detox your life from the inside out