Bundle Up Service
The Bundle Up Program is our newest and most innovative service to date. It offers several options to jump start your body’s innate healing ability for a flat rate. Since the services are non invasive and offers a wealth of information to get your health on the right track fast; why drag it out? Like many, you recognize the need to take better care of yourself from a holistic perspective.
If you need a good natural health coach to walk you through the process, this package is for you. During you recorded zoom coaching session, you will discover new insights that can be implemented immediately. Connecting related services has proven to give remarkable results in a short time.
Bundle Up Service
Since 2021 is the year of self-mastery,self-discovery,and self-awareness; we believe bundling services puts you on the clear path to wholeness fast! If you have been suffering from fatigue, insomnia and poor bowel function leading to bloating and constipation, the mineral detox bundle service can not only offer clues to the problem but also offer a potential solution for your body to rapidly heal itself. Want to know the exact diet for your biochemistry? Discover the hidden toxic elements not found in your blood test! This bundle gives 2 HTA services for you to retest,checking out how much you've improved!